Favorite Seasons [HCs]

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Alex likes spring. It's the perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. 

Taylor likes winter! Loves cuddling up in blankets and warm sweaters (same tbh).

T2 prefers fall because it's not horribly cold, but it's cold enough that he can wear a scarf over his burn scars without getting weird looks. 

Adams adores the summertime. It's super warm and he likes seeing people up and about and having fun, and kids getting out of school for summer break, and he just loves how generally happy everyone seems to be. (Summer is also Blues favorite season for the same reasons)

Arika loves summer as well! While she's not a fan of the odd looks she get for her scars, she loves summer clothing and it brings back a lot of good memories for her. 

Wynn likes fall. It's not biting cold like winter, but has the same comfort-feeling. She likes the comfortable cold clothes like sweaters and gloves, and she likes the changing of the leaves.

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