Chapter 35: Cameron?

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Chapter 35: Cameron?

Macy's P.O.V

We'd just finished our last class of the day. Pixie grabbed my hand and we headed outside. Once we got outside I looked across the grounds to see a familiar figure leaning against the wall. Pixie and I walked towards him.

"Cameron?" I asked as we got closer.

"Surprise" he said cracking a smile that still made me melt inside.

"Cameron, this is my girlfriend Pixie. Pixie this is Cameron Hurley" I introduced them, they shook hands and then we went back to an awkward silence.

"Do you mind if I borrow her?" Cameron asked pointing at me but directing the question at Pixie.

"Yeah sure" she said.

"I'll see you later Pix" I said pulling her towars me and kissing her on the lips.

"Yeah see ya later, nice meeting you Cameron"

"And you!" he called as she walked away.

"Shall we?" he asked gesturing to a park nearby. We headed to the park and sat on a bench.

"So you've got a girlfriend?" he asked.


"She seems nice"

"She is" I replied.

"Why are you being short with me Macy?" he quizzed.

"Why are you here exactly?" I snapped.

"We're on tour here with Lost In Neverland" with him saying their name made my chest hurt. I missed them. I missed my boys. My lost boys.

"How are they?" I mumbled.

"They want to see you, they miss you, we all do" he hesitated on the 'we', he obviously wanted to say something else.

"Believe me I want to see them but, I can't. I just can't" I sighed turning away.

"Why not?" Cameron placed a hand on my shoulder, I didn't shrug him off, I didn't have the nerve to.

"Because I forgot all about them, I forgot all about you and everyone. I was just starting to get settled here, moving on with my life and then all of a sudden you show up bringing everything back," I rambled.

"Roo" he cooed.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your Roo anymore Cameron, my name is Macy start calling me that!" I shouted. I was on the verge of tears, I couldn't handle this, I didn't need this.

"I'm happy Cameron, I'm doing what I love, I have an amazing girlfriend, who loves me and has the same dreams as me"

"I can see that but all they want is to see you. They miss their Tiger Lily" he said.

 "I can't see them, I can't face them, I won't face them."

"What;s wrong Macy? Something's wrong I can tell and it's not me showing up out of the blue" he said softly.

"Peter" I said.

"What about him? What did he fucking do? Did he hurt you?" he asked concerned.

"Not me.... Lily, he killed Lily" I mumbled and then burst into tears. Cameron pulled me to him and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Macy"

"He lied, he said he found her that he ran over her thinking it was a deer, but he killed her then he ran over her" I cried.

"Oh Macy" Cameron said rubbing his thumb against my arm.

"Come with me back with me to the hotel and see Lost In Nevreland" he said. I looked up at him and dried my eyes.

"Okay" I whispered.

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