It all my fault

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I was back at the prison, right outside the fences, chasing the kids around the field. My dad, Carol, and Rick watched us from my dad's truck, laughing and having a pleasant conversation. But something Suddenly, everyone was on their knees, backs facing the forests. I saw Hershal, my dad, Carol, Rick, Lori, Lizzie, Mika, Michonne, Beth, Maggie, Glenn, Tyreese, Sasha, Bob, and...Shane! Carl stood in front of them all, an evil smirk on his face, pistol in his right hand. Carl took his aim at Hershal, and pulled the trigger.

"HERSHAL!" I screamed, trying to push myself forward, but saw I was being held back by Tom and Tabby, but they weren't normal. They were walkers. Neither of them tried biting me, they just watched as Carl went down the line, shooting everyone in the head one by one. He hesitated a little on Shane, but finally pulled the trigger. There was one last person I hadn't noticed before, the boy looked innocent, young. Their electric blue eyes were filled with fear and tears. I then realized, that boy was Carl. I found myself standing directly behind him, holding my katana.
"Oh my god, no!" I screeched as I brought it to his neck slowly, I was killing him like Phillip killed Hershal!
I couldn't stop myself, it was like my body had a mind of it's own. Suddenly, I was watching from a 3rd person view, I saw me bringing the katana back, holding it there for a few seconds. Hatred and vengeance filled my wild eyes.
"CARL!" I screamed with everything I had when the blade connected with his neck. My entire group was dead. The monster in front of me, the monster that killed Carl (sadly me), looked up at me. An smug smirk danced on it's blood stained lips.
"It's all your fault." It whispered.
And it was.
*** (the font won't change ugh sorry)
I bolted up, screaming.
My dad came into my room and pulled me into a hug. He was rubbing my back and kissing the top of my head as I cried into his chest.
"Ssshhh. It's okay, it's okay. It's just a dream, don't worry I still dream about it to." He cooed, trying to calm me down.
"But you don't get it's all my fault."
sorry if this suuuucked. I just haven't update in forever and I just thought I'd put up a filler to keep you guys occupied for a while until I update again which will probably be tomorrow. Thanks guys!! I love feedback! And I seriously don't know why my font won't change back lol so sorry.

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