Chapter 28: Missing

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Muse security guards walked down the hallway to Julia's bedroom door. Loud knocking on the door provoked no response from inside the room. Both guards looked at each other with hesitation. Opening the door one of the guards scanned the room. Ruffled bed sheets were the only sign of activity in the room. Walking back towards the party the guards activated their neural implants.

"Julia is not in her room." Ten minutes remained before the ball dropped to signalling the beginning of the New Year. Guest danced away to the music unaware of the events transpiring around them. Security walked through the party scanning the faces of the guests. Several guests had gone outside in the steady snow fall to cool off. Scanning both outside and inside guards found no trace of Julia. Completing the pass through the party the security guard opened up a neural communication channel.

"Maj. Lee there is no sign of Julia anywhere at the party. How should we precede Sir?" Looking outside at the massive crowd of protestors outside Maj Lee heard the report. Scanning the protestors with cybernetic vision revealed over two thousand people gathered outside. Maj. Lee worried about the crowd outside. The limited number of police couldn't stop the protestors if they decided to become violent.

"I am in the main lobby with Mr. Cross and his sons. Henry and Victoria's GPS transponder shows him and his wife are in their room. Please inform Mr. Williams that we can't find Julia." The guard muttered in frustration walking towards the master bedroom preparing to deliver the bad news. Guests at the party continued to dance, drink, and eat while the party raged on.

Approaching the master bedroom door the guard stop for a second taking a deep breath. Knocking resonated throughout the room alerting the occupants. Wondering what was going on Victoria watched her husband walked over towards the door. Opening the door the Muse security guard stood waiting on the other side. Instinct told Henry something was wrong.

"I don't mean to disturb you sir, but there is a problem." Henry waved the security guard into the room. The door shut with a soft thud behind the guard. Stepping in the Guard saluted his bosses. Slapping the hand down with impatience Henry glared with intensity expecting a report.

Walking over Victoria stood next to her husband waiting to hear what the problem was. Standing there in silence the security guard searched for the words to communicate the situation. Henry tapped his foot from growing impatience. Unable to muster the courage to inform the parents of their missing daughter the guard froze. Tension filled the air telling Henry something unthinkable had happened.

"Tell me what you have to report now soldier!" Henry demanded immediate answers.

"I am sorry to inform you but about ten minutes ago Muse security lost track of Julia. We've scoured the entire apartment and can't find a single trace of her anywhere." Without a thought Henry accessed the GPS system of his daughter. The system reported that the selected neural implant had been disengaged. Scouring through Camera feeds and internal hotel security revealed didn't reveal Julia's location. Henry could see the concerned look creeping across his wife's face. Scouring memories Victoria had a sudden epiphany.

"We left Julia with Mr. Sun before we came in here perhaps he will know where she went?" Set to purpose Henry marched out of the bedroom with his wife and security following. Standing in the same spot Zhuge watched the guests at the party enjoy themselves. Glancing through the congested party Henry could see that Mr. Sun hadn't moved from the original spot. Victoria followed behind her husband with the security guards. The group pushed their way through the crowd without thought of the guests. Noticing the return of Henry and his wife Zhuge waved at both of them.

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