Chapter 2

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Nightwing pov

"You need to let me go, Artemis is in trouble and I'm the only one who can rescue her" "Dick, you need to remain calm and stay here, we'll find her" I really didn't believe them but I had to trust them. Wally and Superboy were holding me down. Batman was searching for where Slade may have gone. "Artemis is missing because I wasn't by her side when Slade attacked. I must find her" Feeling something on my back, my vision becomes blurry and then it was all black.

Artemis pov

Pain, that was all I felt. My head hurt, my right arm was broken, I felt as if I had several broken ribs. My legs felt like they were broken. The amount of blood stained around the room smelt bad, so bad that my nose would be dead if it weren't broken. Looking around, I was hungry, really hungry and well, thirsty too. But with little food given each day, I was either going to die or live with this in my mind. Hearing the door open to the room, I glance up and see Slade walk in. Preparing myself for another session of torture. "Ready for a little call to your boyfriend Artemis. I think this will prove to be a very interesting call" Looking up, I see a screen lower into the room before it flashes on. Slade stands in front of me, his back facing me. If I didn't lack the energy, I would kick him right in the shin. Looking past him, I see the screen show up with Dick's face, the rest of the team behind him. "Where's Artemis Slade" The way in which Dick said it sounded very merciless and ruthless, almost as if he didn't want to see Slade and after this, he properly wouldn't want to see him again. "Ah Richard Grayson, my old child, you want to see your dear Artemis, I don't know if you want to" Knowing Dick, he would want to see me but this may further his anger at him. "I want to see her now...Slade" The way in which he spat his name sounded much like poison. "If you say so" As Slade moves to the side, I hear the team gasp as they see me, looking up with what little energy I have, ignoring the pain. I look at Dick, anger clear in his voice, but also sadness and shock. "What have you done to her Slade" Slade smiles before he walks over. "I've simply had fun, if you can find and save her in time Richard, then you might be able to prevent her death. But be warned, I am going to be hard to find" Looking at Dick, I give him a reassuring smile before I speak with what little energy I have. "Don't worry Dick, I'll be fine, just find us" Slade then steps in the way before he speaks. "But I am going to add a hitch to it, if anyone but Dick arrives to save Artemis, she will die" Dick seemed to be upset at this and so did the team. But Slade had set it and now, now my life was in Dick's hands and his only.

Nightwing pov

The call ended and I turned to face the team. "Dick, what do we do, if any of us apart from you goes to rescue her, then she will die" Watching as Bruce walks over, he then looks down. "While I don't want to turn my back on her, we do have other priorities to deal with Dick, we may have to leave her be" I was shocked by what he was saying, yes the world was in danger, but what would the world be without Artemis, it would be nothing. But I knew what Bruce was capable of. But I had no intention of leaving Artemis in the hands of Slade. "Well then Batman, if that's how you want to go, then I'm done with you. If you want to leave her, then forget me, Is anyone else on Batman's side" When the team all nodded, I felt betrayed, they were all willing to give up on Artemis. One of the longest serving members of the team. But now, now I felt like I had no place here. "Well then, if your all going to abandon one of our longest serving members to a villain, then goodbye, I quit the team" Walking towards the zeta tube, I turn my head before placing my mask on and then enter. "Recognised Nightwing B07"

"Recognised Nightwing B07" Gotham City, I'm home, now to find Artemis, but first, to our home, we kept most of our important stuff there with little at the cave. Starting the long walk, I decided that f the team had given up on Artemis, then they'd give up on me too, meaning that I was free to find Artemis without interference.

As I came up to the house, I unlocked the front door and entered. Making sure that no one was watching, taking off my mask, I walk back to the study and then pull down a book, revealing a secret room. Entering the room. I turn on the computers and then start searching, no matter what, I was going to find Artemis, and then, well, we'll decide what we do from there.

Batman pov

The team and I were in a state of shock, had Dick really just accused us of not caring, yes it may have sounded like it but we did care, we just had a world to save right now along with the threat of the Light and their partners right now. But till then, I guess we had to keep an eye out for Dick and if he does rescue her, Artemis. "So, now what" Turning to face the team, I look at Wally and Robin. "Congratulations Wally and Tim, you've been promoted to team leaders. Now please, get the team off on missions, we've wasted enough time already" With nods from the team, I walk into the zeta tube. Heading to the Watchtower.

Artemis pov

Again, Slade had walked out of the room and I'm left to my thoughts and pain. He had broken one of me legs now and well, lets just say, if Dick was out there, I hope he finds me soon, I only hope the team is doing their best to locate me. I don't know how much longer I can hold out for but I can only trust that Dick gets to me before I die here....

Bit of foreshadowing for a future event here, I'll leave you guys to your ideas, but I am interested as to what your thoughts are about the future event. But here's a hint as to what's going to happen. PAST Can you guys deceiver the hints when each chapter is posted....

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