" Ya good goon? "

I nodded.  " I'm straight." I turned my head, towards the twins. They were eating icecream silently, with the most saddest look on thea' face. That shi broke ma heart.

" Y'all okay?"

" Yes."

I looked at Arianna, she didn't say anything. But licked her icecream. " Bad words, she say." She mumbled, finally speaking up.

" I'm sowry y'all had ta hear dat, ion mean fo dat ta happen tha way it did baybeh guhs."

" Buh it did." Arianna huffed, looking out the window.

Abrianna looked up from her icecream, which was all ova ha lips and nose. " Wassa hoe ass?" Her face scrunched up.

My mouth dropped. " Ohh lawd Jesus Christ. " I mumbled  to myself.  T chuckled, shaking his head,

" Bad word ." Arianna mumbled.

" Arianna and Abrianna, plea' don't repeat  them words ta ya momma. It's a bad word just Like Arianna said. And that's something ya DON'T wanna be when you get olda ight."

" Okay." Abrianna nodded.

I sighed, looking at Arianna.  " Arianna Diamond Alsina? "

She looked up at meh fo tha first time in 10 minutes." Yes?"

" Was wrong witcha?"

She shook Her head, looking back out the window.

" Nuh uh Arianna, na was wrong?"

" She was talkin bout mommy and ion like dat or ion like ha." She shrugged.

" Baybeh." I didnt even know what to say.  They both were so advance to there age, imma have to thank that for daejah. They talk like they were 3 or 4, and so clearly. And tha words they use, bruh.

" Me eitha, she ugly anyway."

" I can't be mad. " I chuckled.

" I'm sowry y'all. "

" Is okay, it wasent ya fault. " Arianna said.

" Daddy ya like ha?" Abrianna asked.

" Nope, i like mommy way mo." I awnsered truth fully.

" Ya like it? Cause I do

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" Ya like it? Cause I do."

I nodded. " Yeah I do, it's better than the first 2."

" True. " Arianna agreed, placing a hand on her belly.

The first place we looked at wasn't reaching our  expections.  It wasn't out favorite at all. The second one was okay, but not great. But this one, we were in love with it. It's just what were looking for. I see why people say The third is the charm.

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