Close Combat Training ?!

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The next day you all meet up in the main hut and had breakfast.
"Alright... today we will go with easy Close combat since this stint a real training camp... it's more a Classtrip since everyone except (Y/N) had hard training". A bit confused you looked up. "Its because you joined the class later" Katsuki mumbled.
"At 12:00 am we will be driving into the nearby town. You will be in groups outside during Close combat and with the same group you will be in the city. There's a paper on the board outside the dorm were it's listened. I will come and check that you're training but it's up to you how you will train" Mr. Aizawa explained.
You chewed on your Toast and nodded.
As everyone was done they all sprinted outside to see in which group they are in.
"(Y/N)! We are in a Group With your brother & Midoriya " Uraraka came out of the pile of people.
"At least no one from the other classes.." you sighed relieved.
After finishing eating you all changed into other clothes and met up.
"What should we Train... and Where?" You asked.
"Maybe at the Shore...everyone could train something there. I could train to lift objects  , Bakugo could train for his explosions using water... Or close combat , Midoriya could train Close combat and you...uhm". You looked to her and waited "Close...combat?" She mumbled.
"Did you drank blood yesterday?" Katsuki asked and looked to you.
You flinched and realised you missed that "uhm uh no... but I am fine! I will tell you if I need any!" You looked up to him and he nodded.

You made your way with the others to the shore.
You watched Uraraka & Katsuki training their quirks while you waited for Midoriya to get ready.
"Ready..?" You asked and crossed your arms.
"Yeah! Come at me!" He said and waited for your strike.
Not really motivated you sighed and ran towards him and got grabbed by him and thrown over his shoulder into the sand.
You gasped in surprise and impact you landed there.
"Are you alright?" Midoriya asked.
You held your thumb up and groaned "yeeah...i am fine" you sat up and got ready again.
Midoriya striked first & was way too easy to read.

Going for a...punch... !

You were right as you saw him making a first.
Quick , you grabbed the incoming Hand and pulled him past you and brang him to fall by making him trip.
He turned around and wanted to get up but you pushed him back down with your foot which pressed on his chest.
"What now?" You asked and suddenly pushed him completely down where for he gasped.

He grabbed your ankle and tried to get your foot off but you just stood there.
"You would be dead if I would be a villain" you growled cold.
Katsuki looked over "Why don't you play a villain then and we 3 try to take you down".
You looked to him "Sure... if you wanna lose" you grinned.
"You wanna challenge me?" He came towards you "Sure...whats the prize for the winner?" You grinned.
"They get to choose it in the end" Katsuki said.
You looked to the others "Wanna do it?" "Sure!" Uraraka & Midoriya nodded.

I will give you 3 min... to run and plan" You turned around and started counting.
You heard them running off , the rustling of the bushes told you they are Probably at the forest.
"180..." you mumbled after 3 min of counting.
You turned around and scratched your neck "I will take down... the weaker ones first..and then the strongest.." you whispered and blinked to activate your quirk.

You walked along the path and kept looking around.
The quirk gave you a better vision and some other little helpful things.
You heard little steps behind you.
You turned around saw someone disappearing behind the bush.
You grinned and shaked your head

Obviously... they want to simulate Urarakas steps to make me think it's her...but it's actually Midoriya... tch clever guy but easy to realise when his hair is sticking out in all directions so much...

"I see you Midoriya..."you said and he rolled out the bush , ready to fight.
"How did you knew?!" He asked.
"OBVIOUSLY you had something like that in mind..." you grinned and heard the steps of Uraraka behind you.
You flinched and reached for her hand and did the same trick you used on Midoriya on her.
"You're down..." you looked down to her.
"Damnit!" She sighed.
You dodged Midoriya who fell into the wet sand close to the water.
You saw him trying to get and walked towards him and kicked him back to the ground.
"Midoriya... you're down" you said.
He grumbled and sat next to Uraraka.
"KATSUKI...COME AND PLAY!!" You yelled and walked around searching for him but avoided the forest.

You walked along the little cliff where on the right was the forest & on the left was the lake so you could escape into the water.

Suddenly you heard something , a branch cracked and Katsuki jumped over the bush and tackled you to the ground. "TCH!!" You struggled and kicked him off against the tree.
You saw his hand glowing and a explosion coming at you.
You jerkliy got up , stumbled bit managed to somehow jump last second into the water.
You had felt the heat of the explosion for a moment.
You kept swimming wastewater as you heard a splash. You turned around and saw Katsuki swimming towards you.

Panic came over you and you started hurrying towards the shore.
You got out the water and started running since you knew he were really close in the water. You ran along the shore as you heard the steps and were already kicked to the ground.
"And there the villain goes... AND LOSES!" Katsuki said and held you back from getting back up by standing on your back.
You took some sand and tried to throw it at him but it didn't really help .... it made him angry so you thought.

"Oh so we are having a very cheeky villain... huh? They have to be... punished !" He said laughing and of course started tickling you.
You started jolting and struggling "KATSUKI STOOP..I GIVE UP!" You yelped laughing.
"Good training..." A grumbling voice came from the hill , Mr. Aizawa.
Katsuki helped you up and you two nodded.
You looked to the others "Good job! Let's do that next time again!" You smiled.
"Please !" Uraraka said "I didn't really had a chance!".

"Go get ready for the town..." Mr. Aizawa said and head off to the next group.
The four of you went to their dorms , got changed & were already allowed to wait in the bus with a few others.

In the end everyone was there and the the bus made its way into the city.
You didn't really had a good feeling about this...
Because you saw someone standing in the forest for a moment who disappeared as soon as you looked in the directions for the second time...

Are they also here... and what will they do if they get us....or me...


Sorry I couldn't upload this quicker.
I wasn't there yesterday and were outside and got a terrible Sunburn and wasn't really MOTIVATED in the evening to get this done...


The pictures of the chapters are MOSTLY Colour Edited and EDITED to make them look like the reader (Originally this is Deku but I EDITED his freckles away and changed the colours a bit more)

^^ just so you know  !

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