{8} Getting Ready

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The picture above has me deaddd. I love jack😂❤️

Finn's POV- Friday- one week from last chapter

Today is the day. It is the day I'm going on our date. I'm really nervous, I don't want it to go bad.. I really like her.

I woke up, smiling, as I put on some jeans, with a white hoodie, and my black vans. I quickly combed my hair, and ran downstairs to greet Nick.

"Hey, I'm making bacon and eggs." He turns around, noticing my outfit. "Oh, I see. You actually tried today. Dress to impress?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes, grabbing my bag. "Sorry, I have to get to school early. Bye nick!" I close the door, getting inside my car.

I told Millie I would take her to school today, since I wanna be a gentleman all day, and drive for her. I made my way to Millies house, shaking a bit.

I'm really nervous for today, it's gonna be our first date. I pulled into her driveway, getting out of the car.

I walked to her doorstep, breathing really hard. What's my problem? I'm only taking her to school.

She opened her door, smiling widely. "Good morning." She smiles, walking out with her bag. I smile, opening the car door for her, as she thanks me, getting in.

"You look beautiful." I smile, grabbing her hand, as I start my car.

"Thank you." She smiles, squeezing my hand.

The whole ride to school, our hands were linked together, as we listened to music.

We made it to school, as I parked in my usual parking spot, right next to Caleb's car.

I got out, running over to Millies side, opening the door for her, as she got out, everyone stopped and stared.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. She looked up at me, smiling, as we walked into school ignoring the stares.

I heard faint whispers from everyone, saying "why would she be with a loser." And other really rude things, it didn't phase me though.

Sadie and Maddie came up, as Sadie had a smile, and as for Maddie she looked disgusted.

"Hey Mills! Hey Finn." Sadie waves, as she hits Maddie.

"Oh, hey guys." Maddie waves, still having a disgusted look on her face. I see Millie out of the corner of her eye, roll her eyes at Maddie.

"So Millie, do you wanna go shopping later?" Maddie questions, smacking her gum.

"No." She shrugs, pulling me away from them, as we walk hand in hand.

"A little blunt don't you think?" I chuckle, as she shakes her head.

"No, once she learns to accept you, I'll accept her." She shrugs, as we walk into class, sitting down.

Millies POV-

Finn and I were having a nice conversation, until Jacob walked up to our desk.

"Hey Millie!" He smiles, "Finn." He rolls his eyes.

"So, are you two.. together?" He questions, sitting down next to me.. way to close.

"Um. N-no." I mumble, fiddling with my ring. I see Finn clench his jaw and his face get red from the corner of my eye. We aren't even dating. He shouldn't be upset.. right?

"Good! How about I take you out today then?" He smiles, giving a small wink.

"Um, no thanks."

"Why, are you busy today? With Finn?" He balls his first, as his face turns red with anger.

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