31. fan hate

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i'm now home, Ashton's back on tour. he left a week ago. someone spotted Luke leaving the hospital so it got leaked that i was in there. fans were coming up with so many different scenarios as to what had happened. apparently i was giving birth, luke was leaving pissed because it wasn't his. i didn't know who the father was because i slept with both of them.

i get a message from Luke.

Luke- I MISS YOU!!!

Luke- I MISS YOU!!!

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Me- you're an idiot. ahaha i miss you too Lukey.

Luke- Can you please talk to Paige? she's freaking out because she's getting hate from the fans.

Me- what are they saying!?

Luke- that she should fuck off cause you and i belong together.

(a/n. *cough* *cough* true *cough* *cough*)

Me- aw fuck. i'll call her.

Luke- thank you so much, you're a blessing

Me- you know it.

i called Paige and told her to get her butt over to my house and bring food she wasn't arguing. when she turned up we sat in my bed. "they're going to calm down, they're over protective over the boys, the always have been, i got so much hate when i married ashton!" i told her. she smiles shyly, "but what if they're right?" she asks. "right about what?" i asked her

"you and Luke are meant to be together?" she asked. "no. no no. Luke and i should never be together again. reasons being, we were a fucking mess. we were so toxic, he's legally my brother. i mean even if we got together. we'd just fall apart" i tried to make her feel better.

"what happened between you two, like the good and bad things?" she asked. i went blank, what did we do? how were we bad together when the only thing come up in my head is good? i smile a little, "we were a secret for so long, we didn't have dates or anything. but he would sneak into my bedroom after our parents went to sleep. we used to sneak kisses when they weren't looking. and flirting with him was always fun" i laughed a little.

"what was he like?" she asked, i laughed again while reminding myself of old, loud annoying Luke Hemmings with a lip ring and quiffed hair. "he was the biggest fuck boy. he had the loudest mouth. he was always so happy. everyone was surprised to find out he was tied down. he waited, to have sex with me, be knew it was special to me so he waited. we ran away because we thought we were in love" i rolled my eyes

"then i was surprised when he convinced me to keep the baby" i said slowly. our little baby, i wish they got to see the world. i wish i was pregnant, i wish i wasn't infertile. "you and Luke have a kid? does Ashton know? what happened was it adopted?" she asked. "no, i had a miscarriage. im infertile. Ash knows, when i lost the baby Luke stormed off to Ash" i smiled shyly "im so sorry" she mumbled

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