23- Finding the journal

Start from the beginning

Antonio sat at the table thinking while Sadie checked on the girls, she walked in their play room and the girls asked if they can play the piano.

"You girls should show your dad that you can play some songs." she said smiling.

Isabella ran out of the room and over to Antonio. "Daddy, come with me." she says pulling his hand. She brought him over to the piano and sat down.

"What are you up to?" he asked running his hand through her hair "Watch me." she grinned, excited to show him that she could play.

She started playing Amazing Grace, Gabriella ran into the room and stood next to Antonio, holding his hand. Antonio was shocked and looked over at Sadie. "Did you teach her how to play?"

"I did, I taught both of them."

He stood there watching as Gabriella anxiously waited to play. When Isabella was finished, Gabriella excitedly sat down "Now it's my turn."

She played You Are My Sunshine to him, Antonio wrapped his arm around Sadie kissing the top of her head "I've been working with them every day, they actually know quite a bit of songs."

"Can we play one more?" Gabriella asked her dad.

"Sure, one more then we will have to get some dinner."

The girls whispered to each other and decided to play a duet. They played Let It Be, Antonio was so amazed and had no idea that Sadie had been teaching them.

Sadie whispered in his ear "You still never showed me your skills on the piano."

"I will..." he whispered back.

The girls were done playing and turned around to look at Antonio. "Did we do good?" Isabella asked happily.

"Of course you did." He leaned down, kissing their cheeks. "Keep up the good work." he smiled and gave them both hugs.

Later that night after the girls were in bed, Antonio and Sadie were searching his bedroom for Harlow's journal. "You would think it would be in here, she spent most of her time in here." Antonio says frustrated.

"It makes no sense, we checked everywhere in here earlier, I don't know where else to look, besides the rest of the house."

"I don't understand why she would make it so difficult to find, if she wanted us to read it?" Antonio says sighing, with a hint of disappointment.

"I'm sure we will find it eventually, it's obviously here."

Antonio sat down on the bed wondering where Harlow would have put the journal. Frustrated, he rested his head in his hands and groaned. Sadie sat down on the bed behind him, and started massaging his shoulders, trying to get him to relax.

"That feels good." He moaned.

He leaned his head back against her chest, she reached her arm around his face and softly traced his lips with her thumb. He quickly turned around and pinned her down on the bed, resting his forehead against hers "Think back to when you came in here, you said she was always trying to hide something, do you remember what it looked like?"

"There was one time, I thought I had seen a black book that I saw her shove under a pillow, but that was a book." she says, thinking back.

He kissed her lips hard and smiled. "What's that for?" she asked, as he sat up.

"I saw a black covered book earlier." He got off the bed and walked over to the dresser, opening her bottom drawer and pulled out a black covered book, opening it. "Bingo." he says, looking over at Sadie "It's been here the whole time. She hid it with another book cover." He says, setting the book on the bed, kneeling on the ground as he scanned through it. As he got towards the end of the book, two letters fell out.

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