Zianourryy: Four Alphas and an Omega, part 6

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Sorry for not updating yesterday but I had a event / concert at my school and I had to come.

I hope you enjoy this one and it's not in Niall's pov.


A loud banging noise woke up the small blond in the middle of the night, followed by light footsteps. He sat up and looked around his dark room, searching for what caused the noise. His blue eyes soon landed on dark figure standing at the foot of his king size bed. He gasped and tried to get the covers off of himself so he could run, but unfortunately he wasn't fast enough. The figure covered his mouth with his hand and looked at him with his blue eyes.

"Sssssss everything will be alright, just go to sleep." He said, holding his hand over the blond boy's mouth and nose long enough for him to fall unconscious. The black figure throwed the younger boy over his shoulder and exicited the room as quitly as he could. He walked down the long staris and into the night and as he carried the smaller blond futher into the woods he was suprised at how easy it was to kidnap him.

He soon saw his small wooden house surrounded by all kind of trash and tall grass. He walked troght the broken door and layed the blond boy down onto the floor, the room being completely empty with no kind of furniture. He cheacked the boys pulse, making sure he's alive before taking his mask off and sitting down couple of meters away from the sleeping boy. 

He waited couple of mintues until the smaller boy woke up with confused face.

"Where am I?" He asked, not seeing the old men next to him.

"In my house." Replied the old man, while looking at the small omega boy who got up fast and turned towards him.

"What do you want?!" He asked him, scared of this starnge man killing him with no one to help him and far away from his parents and his best friend.

"To talk." Replied the old man, that he is yet to know his name. 

"You wouldn't of have done all of this if you just want to talk." Replid Niall, getting more and more scared with each passing second of being alone with this man.

"I just want to talk." Said the man again, not moving from his position. Niall looked at him and then around himself, searching for an exit. He saw the wide open door and when he was about to run away and never look back...

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man replied too calm for Niall's liking. Niall looked at the man then at the door, before turning back around.

"About what?" Asked Niall suddenly, for a bit surpring the old man.

"About you." Said the man and Niall eyed him confused.

"What about me?" Asked Niall, just wanting to run all the way back to his house and to his parents, but something held him back.

"Sit down and I will tell you." Said the man, looking at Niall, waitng for his response.

"How can I trust you?" Asked Niall again, taking couple of small steps back.

"You can always trust your father." Said the man, smiling slightly at the confused Niall.

"W-What?" He asked, not beliving what he just heard.

"I guess they didn't told you then?" The man with brown hair asked.

"Told me what? Just stop with your short anwsers and tell me what you have to and I will be gone." Said Niall, crossing his arms over his chest, not being as scared of the man as he was before. 

"Watch your mouth." Said the older of the two, looking at Niall, but this time with red eyes.

"You're an alpha." Said Niall, as a matter of fact.

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