Chapter 1

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Deathstroke pov

Kevin led me into a chamber with six screens. Each with a static like texture on them. As Kevin stopped in the centre of the room, he spoke. "A lot's happened since we last saw each other Slade, but I don't follow your orders anymore. I run my own Criminal empire now" I looked at him before I felt a tint of anger that still didn't surpass my anger at Richard. "And you freed me because" Kevin smiled before the screens in the room lit up. On each screen was a figure. And I recognised each and every figure on the screens. Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Brain, Black Manta, Ra's Al Gul and Vandal Savage. "Deathstroke, glad Kevin freed you from your prison. But we have a little job open that we want you to complete" Looking at Savage, I step forward. "Well, lets talk pay and what the job is about before I accept. They looked at each other. Leading to them being in the same room. But Manta seemed to continue to stare straight at the screen, meaning that he wasn't with the others. "We felt that you might take this a bit too personally for there to be any pay considering your past with this certain person" Stepping forward a few more steps, I look at Savage's screen. "If your talking about Richard, then you can forget about offering me a job at all, I'll be dealing with him by myself. No one offers me a job about him unless they have a good reason" Savage smiled before he replied. "Oh but we do have a good reason for offering a job to you with him, we require the talents of Red X, while Kevin may have the advantage in numbers and powers, we require someone who can study and eliminate his targets from the shadows while be quiet at the same time" Smirking below my mask, I chuckle. "If you think Richard's going to join you, then you've got something wrong with you, he won't return to his old ways, even if he did, those he hunted down would come back, he doesn't kill his targets" Savage seemed to smile before Luthor held something up. "We had already planned for that Deathstroke, This device that Luthor holds right now will bend him to our will" Smiling, I nod before I look up. "And the pay" Savage smiled before he spoke. "Whatever you want, though getting the chance to bring Richard back into the light may be the best pay you could receive" Nodding, I turn around and walk out of the room. I had a Robin to catch and the best way to do that was to get to him by the use of something close to him. Someone close to him. Perhaps one Artemis would be the best tool to get Richard.

Artemis pov

Yarning as I opened my eyes, I look to my side I see Dick still sleeping. Smiling, I get out of the bed, doing my best not to wake him before I head to get changed. Walking into the kitchen, I see Wally resting on the green sofa. Getting myself and Dick a cup of tea I walk into the main chamber before I look around. Sighing, I head back to Dick's and I's room. Upon opening the door, I see Dick look up before I speak. "Morning" He replies before I hand him his cup of tea. "What'd you think's going to happen today. I highly doubt that Slade will be after us all the time, he will have other jobs to complete, not only that but he may in conflict with others over me" I smile before I sit down next to him. "I highly doubt that to be true love, but if it is true, then Slade would be here already and you know that he won't come fast, he'd wait till the team was in low numbers to strike" Watching Dick nod his head, We kiss before he gets up. Sighing, I take another sip of my tea. Watching Dick walk out. I hope Slade really doesn't want to get revenge because if he did, then I would be the target.

Nightwing pov

I walked into the kitchen and placed my cup down by the sink, looking over, I see Wally resting on the green sofa. By the way he's sitting, I can tell that he's been there for at least an hour. Moving on, I notice that the cave is much more quiet then usual. "Hey Wally, where's everyone at" Wally looks up before he then looks away. "Most of the teams off dealing with the Injustice League, You, me, Artemis and Red Tornado are all that are here right now" Perfect time for Slade to strike" "Can you keep your eyes and ears open for any unauthorised entrance, I feel as if Slade's going to strike when we're at our weakest which would be right now" Wally nodded before I walked away to find Artemis and Red Tornado in the main chamber. "Dick, Red Tornado just got a call saying that he's needed elsewhere now" Sighing, I look over and then think. Then it happens. "Warning, unauthorised entry, 000" Shit, It's Slade, who else would it be" "Stay back while I investigate who is intruding" Walking over to stand by Artemis, I watch as Red Tornado walks towards the hanger only for a sword to pin him to the wall. In the corner of my eye, I spy Slade walking into the main chamber. Wally should be here soon to assist. "What do we have here, my target defended by a league member who was brought down with ease. This will be easier then I thought" In seconds Slade was pushed back as a blur came by before stopping by us. "Sorry Deathstroke, but your not going anywhere" Slade gets up before looks around. I could tell he was smirking below that mask of his. "That's what you think but I'm not here to for you guys. I'll be taking what I need and leaving, but not without a little revenge" Looking at him. I move forward as he throws a smoke bomb down. As the smoke fills the room, I move closer to where Artemis last was. Looking around, I notice that Wally had gone off clearing out the smoke.

As the smoke cleared, I the noticed what had happened. "Artemis, where's Artemis" Wally stops before he runs over to me. "I don't know but I have the feeling that Slade took her" Dammit, why, why did he have to take her.

Artemis pov

I remember being in the cave when Slade threw down a smoke bomb, then everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I was in a room, the room smelt of blood and I could tell that I was being watched by Slade. "Why me Slade, why take me when you could've easily taken Dick then" Hearing a chuckle, I see Slade walk into the dim light. His mask off. "Because me dear Artemis, it's so much more fun this way and till he surrenders, I Get to torture you till then" Looking at Slade, he walks closer till he places some tap over my mouth. I wasn't going to be in the best of shape when this was all over and I'd need a few months in the medical room to heal.....

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