Chapter one

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I looked at myself cautiously in the mirror unsure of what I thought. The girl that stared back at me was wild looking. Her hair was teased to the high heavens and her deep chocolate brown eyes were lined thickly with liner. Her skin flawless looking and clear. She wore a leather strapless unitard that pushed her cleavage up. She had skin colored tights that enhanced her tan and made her legs appear longer and toned. Black ballerina slippers were meticulously wrapped around her calf's.  

I couldn't believe that it was actually me. I looked so different. " Just take deep breaths." I told myself trying to decrease my increasing heartbeat.

I was getting ready to do my second photo shoot of the day. It was definitely the craziest one i've done. It was for vogue and I was nervous as heck.

Although I enjoyed modeling I liked being on the opposite side of the camera more. I wanted to be the one creating these other wordily outfits that hit magazines like wild fire. I wanted to be a world renowned designer that everyone knew and positively adored. As I looked in the mirror I could tell my time was coming. I had just finished graduating from Parsons and was finishing up my last couple of shoots before taking a break for the summer and heading to my summer home in Wildwood,New Jersey.

I was looking forward to it a lot.My best friend Abby lived down there and I couldn't wait to see her. Also it would give me a chance to work on my designs that I've been slacking on lately. A moment later I was disruped from my thoughts when the door cracked open. I turned to face the noise and a petite brown haired blue eyed girl about twenty peeked in.

" Umm Miss.Cassidy?" She asked carefully and a bit nervous. Obviously scared of me. The poor girl ,the things she must have been through with the other models!

Unlike other models I kept my head on my shoulders and was well-balanced. I wanted to be treated like a human being rather than a god. All those other self absorbed witches seemed to think other wise.

" Just call me Cassie." I said with a small smile.

She stood a little straighter realizing I wasn't going to bite her head off. Her shoulders squared out and she relaxed while a huge smile took over her face." Cassie, they said they're ready when you are."

" Okay I'll be out in a moment." I said as I turned back to the mirror. I heard her exit quietly and then close the door softly behind her. I became alittle more comfortable when I looked into my all to familiar eyes. " You got this. The sooner you get this over with the sooner you'll be soaking up the sun in Jersey. The sooner you'll be lying on the beach while checking out the life guards with Abby." I smiled at the thought of that and chuckled as I made my way out of the room and into the spotlight.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hope this will catch people's attention. And keep it.

Picture of Cassidy on side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>

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