As I walked up to the platform I heard very loud sobbing and knew it was from Andrea. It hurt to know that she was in pain I could not help her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two peacekeepers go into the crowd headed in the direction of the noise and a moment later it was quiet again. I hoped she was okay.

When I was about to the first step, suddenly a figure came out of the crowd and ran towards me.

It was Arata and she shouted, "No they can't take you."

But before I could reply two guards came running out and grabbed her. They were all struggling and I knew she would put up a fight. I saw a fist come flying and hit her square on the head. Next, she was all limp and silent. They dragged her off to who knows where. She would probably be fine but I still worried about her.

I hadn't realized I had stopped or that there were guards behind me but a shove in the back with a gun can clear that up. By now I was crying quietly without stopping, I just couldn't keep it back anymore.

When I got on the stage Robin joined both our hands and continued on "Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present our female tribute Prassida Calvert" she raised her hand "and our male tribute Ridge Tyner" and she raised my hand. "Happy 48th Hunger Games and good luck to both of you" With that all three of us turned around with Robin leading and headed to the back of the stage and whatever nightmare of a future lay before us.

Ruby's POV

As I headed to the center of the town with everyone else in our village, I looked over at Coal and saw a worried look on his face. I knew that I should say something encouraging because I am older but I was thinking the same thing and I can't think of anything encouraging right now there is nothing good about any of this; we gave each other the same look and kept walking.

Everyone had the same look on there face, some people I knew and others I didn't, frightened or gloomy. We all realize why we are here and no one wanted to be here. No one was happy and you didn't see any smiles. There were some people sobbing loudly and others were a covered whisper, a mother not wanting to lose their children and children crying because they did not understand what was going on.

My best friend, Orika, was by my side. She had straight brown shoulder length hair and beautiful hazel eyes.

She said "I can't wait to get this over with"

"I couldn't agree more" I replied.

Clifton came walking up to me and when he reached me he replied
"Are you ready"

I replied "As ready as I can ever be"

"Aww don't give me that look, everything is going to be okay. I am sure you will not be chosen. I mean look at how many people there are."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up," I said.

Even in a situation like this, he is always so thoughtful.

He pulls me into a big hug and whispers in my ear "I love you"

It is so good to feel his arms around me giving me a feeling of safety. I quietly say back "I love you too."

Then we both head in opposite directions.

We all went into our groups and went through their processes and stand in lines to wait for the introduction. Everyone looked very nervous.

Demtriss, the host, walked up unto the stage and shouted: "Welcome, welcome all to the 48th Hunger Games."

She is wearing a simple black dress with basic makeup but somehow she looks very elegant and important.

"Are you ready for this year's tributes for District 10," she says over the microphone." It is quiet, no one applauded probably because everyone was so nervous.

"Very well then let us start with girls." She quickly said this and went over to the girl's name bowl. She reached in the bowl and pulled out a slip. There was a general hush and the area was quiet with fear of their name being drawn. I can't describe my emotions because they are all over the place.

Demtriss announces "This year 48th female tribute is Ruby Avarick.''

''NO, NOOOOOO'' I scream this can't be happening I can't die.

I can hardly hear the clapping. How could they do this take me away from my family and everyone I love.

By now I was crying uncontrollably I could barely see two peacekeepers coming towards me through my flood of tears.

They grabbed my arm and started dragging me up to the platform. I didn't care I just wanted this nightmare to be over. I caught a glimpse of my brother and he had a tear streaming down his face and extremely sad look on his face. The peacekeepers dragged me through the crowd but my tears were blocking must of it. The trip seemed like an eternity.

When we were almost at the steps I saw a familiar face through a slite break in my vision. It was Clifton he was being held back by two of his friends. Right then I wanted to be in his arms again. More tears fell and I realized I was crying again and that I was at the stairs.

The guards lifted me up hinting that they wanted me to stand and do it my self. Suddenly they let go and I almost fell backward but I remained upright. The whole world was spinning and I lost reality. I felt myself walk forward up the stairs slowly it seemed like the world had gone into slow motion.

When I reached the top I felt Robin holding my hand because my vision was still blurry. Her hand was cold to the touch but firm in grip.

I heard her mumble something but it was hard because everything was blurred together.

For the first time since my name was chosen, I could see mostly again. A boy came up the steps very proudly about the age of seventeen or eighteen. I forgot that there was another tribute. He looked mean and powerful and all hope of survival was dashed if there was even any hope.

She said something again but I was not paying attention. Then she lifted my arm up and lifted his and there was an eruption of applauding.

"Happy 48th Hunger Games and good luck to both of you." More applauding.

It hit me then that they were applauding for me because I was going to be in the Hunger Game deathmatch and again my vision became blurry.

I felt myself being pulled somewhere and I thought how can this get any worse.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it hope it turned out good because I worked very I mean VERY hard on it.

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