Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Alysa one of the best people I know :)

I climbed off Justin's lap and ran to the door, grabbing Harry's hand as he turned to leave. He spun around and I saw his eyes were shiny with tears.

"Harry!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked accusingly.

"We should talk."

I led him into the kitchen. When we got there, I dropped his hand.

"I have nothing to say to you, Alysa."

"Harry! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Oh, so making out with another guy isn't wrong."

"It's not like we're exclusive or anything!"

Harry didn't answer me. He knew that I had a point. Just then, Justin walked in. He smelled like beer and was obviously drunk.

"Hey babe, is there an issue here?" he said.

"No, thanks Justin. Just give us a minute." I replied.

"Ok, but hurry back babe." he said. 

I saw a shadow cross Harry's face as he pulled his right arm back and punched Justin, right in the face. Justin looked pissed. He lunged at Harry but his movements were sloppy and Harry ducked. Harry punched Justin in the stomach and Justin aimed a blow at Harry's face, this time it hit home and Harry stumbled. Justin took the opportunity and punched Harry in the stomach, and Harry flew backwards. Time seemed to slow as Harry flew backwards and hit his head on the edge of the counter, he slumped down on the ground, his head bleeding profusely. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello! My friend just hit his head on the edge of the counter and his head is bleeding and his eyes are closed. We are at 12345 West Jefferson Boulevard apartment 4G on the fourth floor. Please hurry!" I spat out as calmly as I could.

"Ok, an ambulance is on the way." the operator said.

I hung up and turned around to see Justin was gone and it was just me with Harry. I tore off my shirt and pressed it against the gash. He slowly opened his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked attempting to stand up.

"No, stay sitting. You hit your head on the counter and blacked out."

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"It's absorbing your blood as of right now."

"It's soaked through. Here take mine"

Harry took of his shirt and handed it to me. His torso was glistening with sweat and his six pack looked incredibly defined. I took his shirt and pressed it to his head. He smiled at me. The paramedics came in and must have thought we were crazy. Here we were, two teenagers sitting on the floor of the kitchen, my hand pressed against his head. Both of us shirtless and sweating bullets. My hair had some of Harry's blood near the ends and Harry's hair was matted with blood. The paramedics pushed me out of the way and I realized my hands, face, and torso were coated in blood. They whisked Harry away, and I went out of the kitchen and I stumbled into the living room. The music had stopped playing and everyone turned to look at me. I started crying and my mascara ran down my face, making me look even more crazy. Kendall, Maggie, Maddie, and Peggy walked over and rushed me to the bathroom. I tore off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I let the warm water run over me, taking all the blood with it. The water ran red. I got out of the shower to see Peggy holding a towel out for me. I dried off and wrapped it around me. Then Justin, Brody, and their roommate, Spencer, came in. Justin was holding a shirt and a pair of shorts and handed them to me. They left and I changed into the shirt and shorts. I stumbled back to our room and fell on the sofa. I fell asleep, I was exhausted. 

I woke up in Maddie's bed. I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the living room to see the four girls sitting on the sofa eating pizza and watching "The Hills." I went back into my room and got dressed. I folded up the clothes Justin gave me and walked down the hall to his apartment. I knocked on the door and Justin answered it. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but plaid boxers. His hair was messy and he had a small beard. His left eye was slightly swollen from where Harry punched him.

"Hi." he said.

"Hey." I replied.

"I'm sorry about last night. I was drunk. I didn't mean to do that."

"I know."

He seemed genuinely sorry. I hugged him.

"Do you want to come inside?"


I smiled at him and followed him inside and sat down on the couch with him. He put his arm around me. I cuddled up next to him.

"Justin, I really like you. But I really need to focus on my career right now."

"I understand."

"Thanks so much, you're a really great guy. I hope you find a girl you don't have to get a black eye for."

"I wouldn't mind, as long as she is half as amazing as you."

"I should probably get going, maybe we could hang out sometime. You know, as friends."

"I'd like that. And when you're ready for a boyfriend, I'll be waiting."

I smiled and stood up. I walked out of his apartment. I took the elevator to the ground floor and hailed a cab.

"Los Angeles hospital visitor's entrance." I said to the taxi driver.

I couldn't wait to make sure Harry was ok.

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