The car

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A girl and her boyfriend were making out in a car. They had parked in the woods so no one would see them. When they were done, the boy got out to go to the bathroom, and the girl waited inside the safety of the car. After five minutes, the girl decided to get out of the car to look for her boyfriend. Suddenly, she saw a man standing behind a tree, in the shadows. Starting to feel scared, she got back in the car to drive away, when she heard a faint squeak.. squeak.. squeak.
The girl, being terrified, decided she had no choice but to drive off. She hit the gas as hard as possible, but realised the car wouldn't move. Someone had tied a rope from her bumper to a nearby tree. Reluctantly, she stepped out of the car, only to see her boyfriend hanging limply from the tree. Her body was too stiff, too rigid to scream, horror filling her body as she realised the squeaking was coming from her boyfriends shoes scraping the top of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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