4/ Montgomery

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To Purplefanta44

Montgomery and you always acted like you hated each other. But the real reason was because you didn't want the other one to know you liked them. The night of Bryce's little hangout I knew something was off.

Jessica came into Bryce's and I partied it up with her and Monty and a bunch of the guys were just hanging playing video games. All the sudden we start to hear yelling. We run outside and see Bryce and Justin fighting. Jess runs up to him and asks why he cares that she's here.

"Tell me why you fucking care" she yelled.
"Because he fucking raped you" he screamed back at her.
At that moment I ran to Jessica but he was talking to jess and he turned around at tried to hit Bryce but he hit me.

It didn't stop Justin he still attacked Bryce. Everyone was watching that instead of helping me besides Monty. He grabbed me and brought me inside. Alex saw me and Monty told him to get ice. You start laughing because you never saw Monty so scared.

"Why the fuck are you laughing" he said with a smile. He was glad you were okay.
"You're funny when you're scared" you said to him with a smile.

At that moment you sat up and you both looked each other in the eyes and he moved a piece of hair in your face behind your ear. And you grabbed his face and smashed your lips with his. You guys had a heated make out session and all the sudden you hear alex.

"Ahem, here's your ice" he said not trying to laugh. We all broke out in laughter and it was a great night. But then I reminded myself about jess. And how terrible she probably feels. With that being said I got up and just ran outside. I didn't see jess so I ran to her house.

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