She's Mine!

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Lucy walks into the guild and it's just like it usually is, except this time the blonde see's a bluenette sitting awfully close to Erza who's blushing.

Lucy slightly snarles and walks away to Natsu, she plops down next to Natsu and grumbles a cranky "Hello" before glaring at the table.

"You ok Luce?" Natsu asks, he see's Lucy glance at Erza and Jellals table to see them laughing. He gives a sad look towards Lucy, he then trys to lighten the mood

"Hey don't worry about it Luce! It's not like he's putting the moves on her or anything, plus there's always me! I mean not like dating or anything, but for emotional support! Ya know, a shoulder to cry on because I'm your bestfriend!" Lucy smiles and leans back in the seat.

"Thanks Natsu"

"No problem Luce"

Lucy lays her head on Natsu's shoulder and closes her eyes, she falls asleep and Natsu starts petting her head. From across the guild Erza see's the exchange and goes red from anger, Jellal see's what she's looking at and trys to calm her down.

"Erza it's ok, she doesn't like him... she doesn't even like guys for that matter"

"How do you know?" Erza mumbled and pouted slightly,

"I may or may not have saw Lucy on a bridge and went to go talk to her, she said she thinking of how to ask out her crush. I asked who the lucky guy was and she blushed and said that it was a girl and that she wouldn't tell me"

"Since when do you have casual conversations with Lucy?" Erza asked when a tinge of jealousy in her voice,

Jellal chuckled "Dont worry I dont have interest in her Erza, we just have kind of the same magic and I guess we grew semi closer during the eclipse gate incident"

Erza grumbled an inaudible response and crossed her arms pouting, Jellal leaned over and whispered in Erza's ear

"I have a way to make Lucy jealous, just follow my lead... and you know I only think of you as a sister" Jellal gets on bended knee and kisses Erza's hand, Erza blushes. An audible growl is heard echoing thru the guild hall, Jellal smirks while Erza gives a quick glance to a very angry looking Lucy.

"Erza Scarlet, you have made me the happiest man in the whole world. Would you always stay by my side and love me like I love you? What I'm trying to say is Erza Scarlet will you marry me?"

From her seat Lucy sat strait up and her mouth dropped a little, Natsu put his hand on her shoulder to hold her back and a low growl escaped the blondes throat.

"J-jellal, wh-why? Wh-where not e-even dating and this i-is so sudden-"


Everyones heads snap towards Lucy including Erza and Jellal, Lucy was struggling against Natsu's grip while Natsu was having a hard time containing the blonde.

"You two aren't even dating! He- he can't propose!"

"Lucy! Why are you interrupting them!?" Mira yells,

Lucy breaks free from Natsu's grip and runs over to Erza. She grabs the collar of Erza's shirt and pulls Erza to her, Lucy kisses Erza and Erza squeaks in surprise.

Lucy separates from the kiss and looks at Jellal, "I'm interrupting because I love her, this may sound selfish but you can't have her. Erza is mine, and no one can take her" Lucy kisses a blushing Erza then hugs her, Jellal smirks

"Well this ended up better and faster than I expected"

Lucy let's go of Erza and Erza is currently a statue, frozen in shock of what just happened and so was the guild. Lucy turned to Jellal,

"What turned out better than who expected?" Lucy asked thru clenched teeth.

"My plan was to get you and Erza together, so I faked a proposal to get you jealous... I had a feeling you were talking about Erza when you said you were gonna confess to your crush, the way you described the crush made it obviously Erza. I told Erza to go along with it if that has any affect on anything?"

Lucy snapped her head towards Erza, who finally zoned back in after hearing her name.

"You knew it was fake?"

Erza gulped and nodded slowly but she tried to get an answer to come out but she couldn't clearly formulate a sentence,

"He- I... You- we... uh" Erza was pointing between the three primary colored hair mages.

"What she's trying to say is that she didn't know what I had planned so she was just as surprised as you are, I dont like Erza like that if that helps?"

"Wait... so I just confessed my feelings in front of... the... whole... guild..." Lucy paled suddenly realizing all of what happened, Erza coming back down to Earth-land turned to Lucy and kissed her.

Erza breaks the kiss and turns to glare at Natsu, she kisses Lucy's forehead and points to her blonde companion.

"She's mine so hands off!" Erza growls,

Natsu quickly nods paling in the process.

"I love you Erza" Lucy says looking the redhead in the eyes,

"I love you too Lucy" Lucy and Erza kiss again and Jellal smiles, the guild cheers for the new couple... especially Mira who now has a new ship.

Erza and Lucy leave the party, Mira and Jellal smirks, they know what they'll be doing. Jellal walks out of the guild and puts his hood up, he slightly frowns "I wish I could find someone so perfect for me like Erza and Lucy have" he sighs and goes to go find Ultear and Meredy.

Meanwhile in Lucy's apartment...

They crawl into Lucy's bed and hug each other, Lucy crawls into Erza's lap and Erza rests her head on the top of Lucy's.

"I'm kinda glad Jellal proposed to me..." Lucy's head snaps to Erza

"... because now where together and right now I'm the happiest I've ever been, just sitting here... doing nothing but hold you"

Lucy smiled at Erza, then a smirk slowly spread across her face, Lucy leaned into Erza's ear

"I have an idea of something we could do..."

Erza tackled Lucy and smiled down at the blonde girl who was slightly blushing staring up at Erza. "I dont need to be told twice" Lucy and Erza giggled and Lucy hugged Erza again and her smile grew, "I love you so very much Erza" "I love you so much too Lucy" they smiled and blushed... 'Thank you Jellal' the two thought.

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