Houses Trekking In The Forest

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Gryffindor: freaks out about every spider they encounter, makes you hold their hand half the time so they don't fall, one moment they passionately hate the forest and then next moment they're having the time of their lives, has the most cuts and scrapes than all the other houses combined.

Ravenclaw: must have a stick to destroy anything unsavory in their path, somehow gets the most bug bites every time, always ends up at the back of the group, wears the best hats, touches things they probably shouldn't touch, is terrified of falling into puddle or a stream but also laughs at anyone who does fall in.

Hufflepuff: just happy to be there, starts singing Taylor Swift and Disney songs while walking, most likely to fall in a stream and get soaked, severely underestimates how easy a slope is to climb, super excited to see any sort of animal in the forest, probably hugged a couple of trees along the way.Slytherin: somehow still looks flawless even though they've been in a forest for 8 hours, takes photos of everything, constantly asks "are we there yet?", loves being the one to lead the way, is able to identify an almost scary amount of plants and bugs, is practically a ninja when it comes to getting over logs and rocks.

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