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I started writing this story as a submission for a FANTASCI anthology, but so many things were happening in my personal life at the time, that I missed the deadline. Even so, it turned out I had miscalculated the word count limit anyway, and what had supposedly been a 2k word short became one of 8k ^^;;

A year later and I finished this, finally. Cailean and some of the characters portrayed here are part of an existing bigger project, and this tale is one backstory. It has been a pleasure writing the backstory as its own piece and a gratifying experience to complete it as I had hoped.

See, I love Cailean, and with that fondness came the pressure to write him as closely as to how I've always imagined him. I was wrong to be afraid. Writing Stillness of Summer was a thrill and a learning journey for me. I <3 him all the more because of it.

So, to Lacrine_Sienna, if it were not for your invitation, this story would not have been written in the first place, so I thank you deeply for the opportunity ^_^ I do feel, moreso after the story was done, that it indeed deserved to be written.

To Eleven, who gave me such a boost of confidence. It gave me the much needed courage to actually finish the thing :'D

To Raffy Martin, who despite not being a reader, read the whole thing in one sitting, for me.

Stillness of Summer, like all my other children-stories, contain a part of my heart. Many times I had to delve deep into myself, to feel as Cailean would and as Eithne would, and to let the words give wings to my own heart. To me, it was the only way to make this story truly sincere.

Let this piece be my ode to all the unspoken stories of ill-fated lovers.

Reader, thank you for being here, for giving this story meaning. Until our paths cross again :3

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