Start from the beginning

She swallowed and faced Kristoff with Anna, Elsa and Jack on the same side of the table.

"Right." She said. "I'm goin' to answer that question... yes, we all have this curly 'frickin' red hair. Ya happy with that?"

Rapunzel and Anna giggled at their seats. Elsa smiled silently watching the two bicker and exchange teasing facial expressions. There is a sudden stretch of silence between all of them—the clatters and soft tap sounds of metal forks and spoons scraping against the ceramic plate can be heard. Crunching of meat and sips of drinks from glasses of cups.

Anna is almost finish eating—well, maybe, all of them started to clean their plates off and other side dishes. Leaving empty bottles of juices and beers laid untouched on the table.

Anna's eyes beamed in excitement.

She smiled.

"Oh, why don't we play a game?" She peered over with Elsa at her side.

"Any suggestions?"

Rapunzel cocked her head upwards, her golden blond hair spreads straightly onto her back. Her eyes lighten. Both of her hands stopped upon hearing Anna. In her behalf, a small suggestion wouldn't hurt that bad.

Rapunzel opened her mouth.

"There's something I know. Well, all of us might heard of it ever sinceor maybe, we had played this game before."

She said and gazed all over them, her eyes landed lastly at Jack across her. She squeezed her eyes shut and avoided his dreaded look. Rapunzel moved her head.

She smiled sweetly.

"I say, spin the bottle. What do you think?"

"Oh, Punzie. Yes!" Anna quickly reacted. "That is the perfect one! And to think of it, it is the only game we could play right now."

Hiccup nodded and smirked. Laid and waved his right hand smoothly in front

"Do the honor."

Kristoff's lips moved. His eyebrows twitched as a memory clawed at the corners of his mind.

"I remembered loving this game so why not."

Merida and Jack remained in silent but their facial expression showed that they agreed to any terms that should be comprehended and understood. And, honestly, they had played this game before but with different group of people during the good old days.

And for Rapunzel, her current explanation about it is that, it is a really fun game to play with. Yes, undeniably, she have tons of magnificent memories about it. That is why, she had completely chosen it as a choice of their get along.

"Okay. Let's get started then." Elsa offered an empty bottle and placed it horizontally and soundlessly at the center aisle.

All stares at it.

"Because of Punzie suggesting it in the first place," Merida explained. "Why won't she get to spin first?"

All of them nodded and let out a soft hum of acceptance. All eyes on her—excitement flashing through of which direction would the bottle stop in the first spin. Rapunzel gladly cupped her hands on the bottle, angled it and exerted an almost-perfect force to send the bottle of beer in constant strides of circles.

It spun.

And spun...

And stopped.

"Elsa, truth or dare?"

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now