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     It was a couple days after they got back from the Mushroom Kingdom, and thankfully, things have returned to normal.
     Link sat at the dining table alone, contently munching on a plate of waffles.

     Zelda walked in, her blonde hair down like usual.

     "Did you make that?" Zelda asked, pointing to the plate of almost-finished waffles.

     Link nodded, the  swallowed the food in his mouth. "it was easy." Link took his fork and took a piece of the waffle. He held it in front of Zelda.
     "Wanna try?" He asked.

     Zelda hesitated, but then took a bite of the waffle. Her eyes went wide for a second and said, "Damn!"

     Link chuckled. Things proceeded with a silence between them, until Link put the fork down and asked, " wanna do something today?"

    "Huh? Like what?"

     "I-I don't know, maybe go t-to town?" Link suggested, his stuttering coming back.

     "Hm, sure!" Zelda said. But after a few seconds, asked, "What causes you to have a stutter?"

     Link turned red. "I-I d-don't know? M-maybe just being n-nervous?" Link said even more nervous than before.

     Zelda hid a smirk, then got up from her seat. "Well, lets get to town early! They usually have small festivals in the morning!"

     Link laughed to himself, and then went to his room to get ready.


     "PAT!" Lucina laughed.

     "It's true, though!" Palutena chuckled. " His jokes are bad!"

     "They're funny!" "In his own, dorky-ish way." Lucina answered. 

     Still laughing, Palutena stood up from Lucinas's bed and grabbed her phone. "So, do you two have anything planned today?"

     Lucina thought. Her and Robin haven't spoken to each other about any plans. "No,  not today, I guess."

     "Aight. Are we still gonna go to town tomorrow?" Pat asked with a small excitement in her voice.

     Lucina laughed. "Yes, tomorrow."

     The two walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Palutena grabbed some leftovers from the fridge while Lucina made her own breakfast.

     A minute later, she saw Marth, Ike, and Roy come into the kitchen.

     "HEY, HEY, HEEY!!" Roy exclaimed, jumping around. 

     "I'm exhausted..." Ike mumbled. 

     "Oh, please, Ike. Make us some coffee." Marth demanded.

     Suddenly Robin came into the room, looking just a bit in a rush. He rushed past the group in the kitchen, ruffling Lucina's hair quickly. He reached the door and added, "I'll be back soon!"

     Marth perked his head up. "Where are you goi-" Marth didn't get to finish before Robin shut the door behind him.

     Marth looked at Ike. Ike looked at Roy. Roy looked at Lucina. 

     "I am, oh so, very curious where that boy thinks he's going." Marth sassed.


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