A Soldiers Return

Start from the beginning

Entering the Grove, he set about what he had planned to do earlier,  but seeing as he was there now, he set about preparing a little surprise for her.  She was still some distance away so she would be a while, he had plenty of time to arrange it to perfection.

Once finished, he sent out a feeler for her energy, which he could feel arriving at the hut.  Perfect he thought as he took a seat close to his surprise and raised a barrier.

Entering the Grove, Bai Qian immediately noticed something different about the place.  Not only could she hear zither music coming from the Grove but there was a candle lit pathway leading into the Grove and what she assumed was the musician.

Evening was just beginning to hit, and the glow of the candles against a beautiful rising sunset had her heart fluttering as fast as a hummingbirds.  

Smiling softly, she knew exactly who it was.  Taking a deep breath and clasping her fluttering tummy tightly, she entered the path, but as she looked at it, she realized every blossom that would normally be scattered about the Grove was now on the path she was following and being lined with lit candles it was truly beautiful.

She could not help but marvel at the amount of effort he had put into what was looking to be a romantic evening, something she had only ever dreamed of.  Breathing in the scent of the blossoms, she slowly followed the path and the beautiful music.  Being a zither player herself, she could appreciate the skillfulness, he was an accomplished player, she thought to herself smiling as she drew closer.  

It was also a tune she knew well, in fact she knew it too well and the closer she got to the man, a sudden thought began to take shape in her mind, one that put an even bigger smile on her face as she entered the clearing which marked the center of the Grove.  And she looked around at the candles scattered about the grass, the lit lanterns in the trees, the table set for two with matching wine goblets carved from luminous pearls and the sweet sound of zither music, her smile soon turned to tears.  It was beautiful.

Swallowing back the lump in her throat, she slowly made her way to an area of the clearing which seemed to be where the music was coming from. 

Watching as she entered the small space he had created for her, Mo Yuans smile grew as he took in the beautiful smile on her face, and then the tears as she struggled to catch her breath. Not yet ready to reveal himself, he wanted to take in every reaction while waiting for her to take a seat at the table.

Only she didn't sit down, instead she moved into the clearing and closer to him.  Watching her as she searched for his energy, he  smiled when a slow growing grin began to form on her face.  It was one he knew very well, one she would display often when she was little and mischief was about to hit. So keeping behind his barrier, he waited in anticipation for whatever she was planning.

And as he continued to play, he watched enthralled as she looked up at the dying sunset.  The moon was full that evening which only enhanced her loveliness.  In that setting, with the moon shining above her and in the soft glow of the candlelight, he didn't think she could look even more beautiful. His soft eyes glowed in wonder as she then turned side onto him.

Then suddenly and without warning, she produced a sword. And before he could even contemplate what she was planning on doing with it, he watched mesmerized as she slowly pirouetted .  Then before he knew it, she began a sword routine he knew well.  It was the routine that belonged to the piece of music he was playing, and that she knew it surprised him, but too caught up in the beautiful performance she was putting on, his mind fully collapsed as she took him through the routine in a way he had never seen it performed in his life.

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