Chapter 4: Leaving prints on your heart and being tragically poetic

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Hello again, it me, Lena. :)

Somehow I can't see the full title in the Chapter choosy thing so I put it down there too. :D 

Well, that is all. ;)


xoxo Lena


Chapter 4: Leaving prints on your heart and being tragically poetic

Tyler's POV

Since finding out that he had art class with Troye for next period a huge grin had not left Tyler's face.

He entered the art room with all it's big, bulky wooden tables, the shelves that were marked with nametags for each students department. There were so many different art supplies and possibilities to work in this room. He really liked being here, but sadly he neither had the ability nor the imagination to be any good at it. 

When he let his gaze run through the room he saw Troye sitting at a table by the window. He was already in an apron to not ruin his clothes and Tyler had to admit, that even like that he looked handsome. 

Tyler strolled over to the table casually and sat down opposite of Troye. 

When Troye noticed Tyler's presence a small smile crossed his lips. He immediately dropped the smile though because he didn't want Tyler to see it. Tyler grinned, happy that he had still noticed. 

He watched intrigued as Troye took out a big sketchbook, placed it on the table and then made his way over to the shelves. 'Just one look.' Tyler thought to himself, slowly walking over to the book, his eyes never leaving Troyes turned back. 

He opened the book carefully, glancing inside and was struck by a very detailed and beautiful drawing of a flower. He flipped through a few pages and found drawings, sketches, prints and a variety of many other techniques, all perfectly done by Troye. He saw landscapes, flora, people, architecture and basically anything there was to draw in this world. They were so beautiful and Tyler's heart filled with admiration for Troye's incredible talent. 

One picture in particular held Tyler's attention captive. It was a picture of a guy with lavender hair, thick black glasses and a charming smile on his lips. It was him. Tyler. Troye had drawn him. 

In the picture Tyler look so happy and at peace with himself. Was this how Troye saw him? Or rather how he had seen him. This had been drawn a few months ago, telling by the date scribbled in the upper right corner. 

Suddenly Tyler heard a gasp behind him and whipped around immediately, turning beet red. "Who gave you the right to snoop through my belongings?" Troye's harsh voice made Tyler flinch. He didn't have a snappy comeback for once.

"I-I'm sorry." Tyler's looked at his feet, twiddling his thumbs and shifting around on his feet. 

Troye's POV

Who did he think he was to just go through my stuff? He was so so ... arg! Annoying, overconfident, obnoxious, arrogant, bossy, cheeky, flirty, cute, charismatic... Wait what? No Troye. No! N-O!  

When he looked at Tyler, who was looking at the floor guiltily, all the anger was blown away and Troye felt the need to comfort Tyler. He looked like a puppy that someone had kicked and it felt like he was being genuine, for the first time since Troye had involuntarily gotten to know him better. Maybe he wasn't such a big jerk after all. 

Troye sighed. "It's fine. It's just that this kind of my secret passion and I get very protective of it. I'm sorry for being so harsh." 

"I get it. Don't be sorry. It wasn't ok of me to snoop." He lifted his head, guilt still clear on his face. He gave me a reassuring smile. "You are incredible by the way. … At drawing I mean." 

Tyler's POV

A genuine smile crossed his lips. "You are incredible by the way. … At drawing I mean." Then he went back around the table and sat down on his seat again. He got my own sketchpad out and started doodling mindlessly. The first ten minutes he spent like that, since the teacher was really easy going. 

Then however, Tyler found a much more interesting source of entertainment. Troye. Troye, who was intensely sketching onto a new page in his sketchpad, smiling to himself. 

When Tyler had glanced at it for longer and taken the whole of the main lines into focus, he realized that Troye was sketching him yet again, right in this moment. He saw himself on the paper, head down, eyes sparkling, doodling onto his sketchpad. Tyler smiled and as Troye looked up he continued to smile at him, giving him a silent ok. 

The rest of the lesson and also the following went by in a blur. 

Only as Tyler set foot into his last class of the day, honors English, he seemed to exit from his school day daze once again. That was probably because a certain Aussie was already seated in the room. 

Tyler grinned at his dependence of Troye’s presence to his happiness. Smiling he sat down beside him and smiled. “Long time no see roommate.” Troye smiled at him, not even realizing that he was not getting annoyed with Tyler for once.

“Hello Tyler. I had almost forgotten that you are in this class too.” Tyler laughed. “Well, I am not easy to forget am I?” He teasingly wiggled his eyebrows.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen. Today as a little introduction to todays lesson I want you write poem about how you feel right now, in this very moment. Try to not overthink it and just let your words flow.” Tyler smiled to himself, since he loved exercises like this.

The silence is pressing me in

Until the air around me grows thin

The laughter in the air

Does not get to me

And no one seems to care

And see


Pretentious people walking down the hall

And I am one of them just tiny and small

In this big, wide world

Tyler wrote, feeling lonely all of a sudden and being once again reminded of his tiny presence on this immense earth he was living on.

I heard Troye pens scrape across the paper beside him, his face contorted in concentration and displeasure as he crossed out yet another line, that he had just written. Tyler giggled lowly but not lowly enough as Troye’s eyes immediately shot up to look at him and becoming tight slits at Tyler’s amusement.

Troye’s POV

He had no right to laugh at him. He couldn’t be any better at this. But as Troye threw a glance to Tyler’s paper and took in the words written down on there, he swallowed hard and corrected his previous thoughts. Tyler definitely had a right to criticize him.

How was he so deep on the inside and seemed so shallow on the outside? Disguise was Troye’s guess. Tyler probably intended on keeping his image up. What a shame that was, when he could also be the person who wrote things like this, that held so much meaning.

St. Chastity (read note at the end!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora