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It had already been five whole days since Shivaay left. Life no longer seemed good to Annika anymore. She didn't enjoy doing things she preferred before. Walks to the sea side didn't give her the serene feeling anymore. Going to the hospital or treating patients didn't give her the contentment it gave before. Reading recent medical researches or thesis didn't make her happy any more. Moreover she felt as if something was missing from her life. Intact She hated going to work, which she had always worshipped.  Chatting with Prinku didn't irritate her anymore. She no longer ate or drank at the proper time. Life had grown empty all of a sudden to her.

What she wished for always now a days was to return home early as soon as she could. She spent her time reminiscing those little moments they both had spent together in different corners of their abode. She eagerly awaited for the clock to struck 10 everyday, when Shivaay would call her or video call her at times. Hearing his voice gave her the needed strength to welcome the upcoming day, it made her present terrible life worthy of living. Hearing his laughter made her believe that life was still better. Fighting with him over the phone helped her to understand that everything would be fine one day. Her life had slowly started revolving around Shivaay and only Shivaay. She knew something was wrong with her, but she couldn't understand what. Life was not the same as it had used to be.

Now it was 10:05 and Shivaay hadn't called her yet. He had always called on time without delaying even a second. But today he hadn't called yet.  She was now sitting cross legged on the bed, waiting for her mobile it to ring any moment. The laptop was lying on the other end, fully charged if a video call would be made on Skype. She was waiting eagerly but Shivaay didn't call her yet. The clock ticked slowly, it struck 11, but there was no signs of Shivaay's call. She got irritated, she got angry at him. She shut down the laptop and threw the phone away from her fully angry.

"Mad man, he didn't cAll me today. Looks like he has forgotten me already" Annika muttered throwing away her pillows

"No, I'm mad after all right. I keep thinking about him all day. He doesn't care about me at all" Annika muttered with tears flowing from her eyes. She had literally gone mad without him, she was finding it hard to control herself already and this man with his ignorance was making it worse for her.

"He might be enjoying in the pubs with some hot chicks" Her mind said her

"No he isn't like that" he tried shutting her mind. She was fighting a battle with her own self.

She badly wished he was here, to show her anger, to fight with him. But Alas due to her bad fate, he wasn't here. Sleep was out of question for her anyway. Hearing Shivaay's voice and falling asleep while still talking to him had been the way sleep had caught her the last few days. But today sleep was something which was impossible.

Fully frustrated she walked to Shivaay's room in long strides. They had again started living in their own separate rooms, since Harshvardhan had left to Delhi. 

She entered his room and opened the door of the closet angrily, with a bang. The clothes had been neatly arranged like always. Due to the frustration arising against him within her, she threw all his neatly ironed shirts down and then messed with the other t-shirts.

"You wont call me right. See what I do now" She shouted, throwing away literally everything from the closet.

"Ill not talk to you now, wait and see from now on, ill not pick your phone calls even if you call me again and again. And I'd not talk to you for a whole week after you return back." She mumbled angrily

"I hate you" she fell on the ground, holding one of his shirts close to her bossom, hugging it tight and breaking down. She was sobbing when she heard her mobile phone ring all of a sudden.

"Shivaay" she exclaimed happily and ran to her room to get her mobile phone with a wide smile, wiping away her tears on the way.

"Shivaay" she picked up the phone excitedly

"Doctor, I'm in the middle of something. Sorry for being late. I'd call exactly after an hour, sleep if you are feeling sleepy. Ok bye! Bye! Sorry. Sorry again!" Shivaay spoke in a soft tone almost whispering like he was in the middle of something and cut the phone.

"It's ok, ill be waiting" She mumbled back although she knew he had already cut the mobile.

"Someone said she'd never ever talk to him again. What happened now? Aww my poor girl."

Annika then walked back to his room and started arranging his clothes back in place, mumbling a sorry to each of his shirts. She picked up his accessories and place them at the proper place too.

"My poor girl? She's completely lost. Ok I'm not crying."


It had taken her only about 15 minutes to tidy the room, which she had completely messed. She looked at the clock, there was about 45 minutes remaining for Shivaay's call. She decided to read something from Shivaay's book collection until then.

She used a chair and reached the top of the shelf to find something that'd interest her. She found nothing there that made her interested, she found an old book in a corner and dragged it out, it read "Shakespeare's musings", a smile adorned her lips. With her dragging the book out a piece of crumbled paper fell on the ground. Annika got down of the chair and bent to pick down the crumbled paper with a smile.

She took it in her hands amused and opened it slowly. It was a page of the diary dated 13th June 2018, it was partly torned. It was the day her dad had left back to Delhi. Now intrigued further she decided to read it and sat on the bed with crossed legs. The hand writing was of Shivaay's undoubtedly. She knew his letters too well now, after all. It read,

"I met her today again after 7 long years. She looked pale and completely broken. She wasn't the same girl I had seen 10 years ago. That lively spark in her eyes, which had attracted me to her, was completely lost.It pained me to see her like that. I couldn't look into her eyes anymore or talk to her freely like before, because I had Annika in my life now after all. Life will never be the same with her anymore, coz now Annika is a part of my life. Annika is my A......."

"So this was the reason Shivaay had a headache, that day when Harshvardhan was to leave to Delhi. Hmm. It's me your destiny"

Annika couldn't read anything more. The paper was torn after that.

"What could it be? Who is this "she" Shivaay has written about" Annika was intrigued.

"Why has he written about some 'attraction' to her eyes?" Her mind questioned, she couldn't understand anything. She wanted answers right now. She always had been like that.

"How'd I find it out?" Annika was curious now.

"Wait Shivaay's diaries" her mind lighted at once. He always wrote diaries, it had been his habit, he had mentioned it once to Annika when she had teased him about it and even had packed his recent one in his luggage,to carry it to Australia.

She ran to his huge book shelf and started searching in it for a diary dated 10 years ago.

"What is going to happen next? I see the storm already coming. I can't. I need to let it out, so I'm leaving. I'm so sad right now"


Phew! Another part, due to your requests. I know it's small but that's all I could type for now. So stay tuned for more. THANX ALOT! 

Yours Tabitha🍂...

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