Fillie~ Happier

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Millie's POV-

"Jacob is really pissing me off Sade's. It's like he doesn't care about how I feel, he's being selfish." I rant to Sadie over the phone.

"Three words hun. Dump his ass." She says plainly, as I brush my hair with her on speaker.

"I just don't know how. I've never really broken up with anyone before." I say, putting my hair up.

"I'll help you don't worry. I can't wait to see you and the cast tomorrow!" She cheers.

"Me too! I'm really excited to see Noah, you, Finn..." I trail off.

"Ooooh. Finn, I'm excited to see fillie." Sadie teases.

"Shut up Sade's, he's like my brother." I roll my eyes, lying through my teeth.

I always liked Finn, but I gave up. I pushed back those feelings and dated Jacob. He's great and all, but those feelings for Finn won't go away.

But, I'll just have to hide them like I always do. The only person that knows this is Noah. I would tell Sadie, but her and Caleb are close, and Caleb is good friends with Finn.

"Mhm. Just wait, you guys will be all over each other." She squeals, clapping her hands.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, I have to go. I have to get up early for my flight tomorrow. Bye Sadie's love you." I smile.

"Love you too millie!"

I set my phone down, charging it, and getting in bed.

I really missed everyone, I'm really excited to see everyone tomorrow.

J- goodnight, see you tomorrow😘

I forgot he was visiting Atlanta for tour. This is just great.

Me- see you tomorrow👍🏻

Sadie told me I should give him signs, so he'll get the idea, and it'll make it easier for me to break up with him.

After texting him and setting my alarm, I fluff my pillow, and falling asleep.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan, rolling over to turn off my alarm clock.

I get out of bed, bringing my speaker to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I took a shower, put on some sweats, a hoody, and my nike shoes.

Paige was coming with me to Atlanta, and we decided we would eat at the airport.

We called an Uber, and made our way to the airport.


After going through security, and eating breakfast, we finally made it on the plane.

I quickly snap chatted the plane view, then turned on my music for a long plane ride.


We got off the plane, and got to the hotel.

"Sadie wants me to meet her and everyone at Starbucks across the street, mind if I go?" I ask Sadie, setting my stuff in the room.

"You can go, just be safe." She says, continuing to flip through channels.

I nod, before walking out.

I make it to Starbucks, greeted by everyone.

"Millister!" Noah screams, wrapping me in a hug.

"I missed you!" I smile, hugging him back.

After saying hi to everyone, I see Finn out of the corner of my eye, standing behind everyone.

"Finnie!" I smile grabbing attention, as he smiles looking up.

I walk up to him, giving him a hug. He immediately accepts, hugging me back tight.

"I missed you mills." He smiles, pulling away. "I missed you too."

Jacob walks in, taking off his sunglasses. I roll my eyes, as Finn furrows his eyebrows at me. I shrug, walking up to Jacob.

"Hey Millie! I missed you." He smiles kissing my cheek. I nod, looking away.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks, putting his arm around me.

"We should talk." I look over to Sadie, as she gives me a thumbs up.

We walk outside, trying not to get noticed by anyone.

"They're gone, now cut the the crap Jacob." I roll my eyes.

"Finally they're gone." He scoffs.

"That's my family you're talking about." I give him a rude glare.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes. "what do you want."

"I was gonna go easy on you, but never mind. I can't do this anymore, I'm done." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What?! You can't do that." He says, looking taken aback at what I just said.

"I can do whatever the hell I want. I'm tired of your selfishness, I'm over it.. I'm over you. We're over." I try to walk back inside, but he pulls my arm.

"You're gonna regret it." He Whispers, squeezing my arm tight, before letting me go.

Finns POV-

I saw Millie and Jacob walk out of Starbucks, as Sadie gives her a thumbs up.

"What's going on in there?" I ask Sadie.

"Break up." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

After we order our drinks, Millie finally walks back in, with a hand print on her arm.

"Geez Mills. What did he do?" I ask, rushing up to her.

"I-I broke up with him and he said I was gonna regret it." She looks down.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him if he does anything." I say, clenching my jaw.

"Thanks Finnie, But I'm fine." She giggles.

I'm actually really happy they're broken up. I've liked Millie for a long time. But I've kept my feelings away, because she thinks of me as a brother. She would never like a guy like me.

"Do you wanna go back to my hotel and talk about it?" I ask, as she looks up smiling.

"Sure." She nods.

"We're gonna go back to the hotel." I say, as everyone smirks.

"I see." Gaten smirks, as Caleb nods.

"Have fun!" Sadie chirps, as Noah laughs.

We roll our eyes, before walking outside.

I hold my hand out for her to grab, as she looks up at me smiling. She holds my hand, as we pull our hoods up, and walking back to the hotel hand in hand.

Part two? Lemme knowwww.

Hope y'all liked this fillie chapter!


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