"May I?" she asked without looking up, a fascinated expression on her face.

"It's yours," I told her, smiling.

Her eyes flicked up to mine in surprise.


"Yup. It's a thank you for your help yesterday," I said brightly.

She took the flower almost reverently, lifting it closer to smell.

"Thank you, but... you didn't need to do this... It was my fault anyway," she said, her gaze saddening slightly, although she made no move to return the flower.

"But I wanted to. It wasn't all your fault, though. You made up for it last night," I smiled, glad that I could make feel a bit better.

A tiny smile flashed across her face.

"Thanks," she repeated, heading back to the wagons, the flower cupped in her hands.

"I can't believe she accepted it..."

I turned around to see Gia looking down at me, an incredulous look on his face.

I cocked my head to the side. "Oh, come on! Hasn't she ever accepted a thank you gift before?"

"Generally, anything anyone tries to give herends up in a box in the corner of her closet if she can't worm her way out of taking it in the first place," he responded.

"Oh..." I stated, a bit confused. "She won't do that to the flower, right?"

"No, I don't think so... She really seemed to like that," he reassured me.


"Alright! Let's pack up and move out!" Gerilynn commanded.

I smiled at Gia, and quickly went over to my pack, throwing in my roll and shouldering it.

"Whisker, stick with Leo in the van-guard today. I'll be roaming around the perimeters, Fang and Pegasus will take the rear." She took off, sprinting ahead of us for several hundred meters before hanging a left and fading from view somehow.

I shrugged, and followed Gia up to our positions for the day.

"So..." Gia started, glancing over at me.

"So?" I rasied my eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"What's up with you and Kakashi?" he asked, smirking slightly at me.

I turned bright red, "W-what?"

"Well... You've been acting like rather more than close friends," he pointed out.

I turned my head straight again, my cheeks reddening, I shrugged, "Honestly... I'm not sure..."

"Hmm... I see. Well, if you ever need anything, I'm here for you. Gerilynn may have accepted the ANBU rank first, but I'm still the oldest, and as such, a bit more experienced than her. Especially when it comes to people-skills," he offered easily, his tone relaxed.

I glanced back, and made sure Shane was keeping Kakashi busy. "... Well..."


"It's... confusing... I mean, we tease each other back and forth, and mess with each other, and... last night... And the way he looked at me... I've never had anyone look at me like that before..." I tried to put everything into words, keeping my voice low. "I... I don't understand..."

"That's easy enough to explain: he likes you. A lot, from what I can tell, and I know Kakashi quite well. The question is: do you like him back?" Gia said simply.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang