Doctor Who New Year's Eve- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“River!!!!” The Doctor screamed loudly as he jumped over a low green bush and landed on the soft squishy grass.

“Yes, Sweetie?” She called back in-between labored breathes.

“I can’t believe you shot at the emperors dog!!!” The Doctor took a look back at the giant guards dressed in spiky armor chasing after them. Behind them shined the shimmering orange gold colored palace that glistened from the bright sun. But the most magnificent thing was the beautiful garden filled with flowers so humongous that you couldn’t even see the sky. Not that it was a surprise, the Norfelels were giants themselves that shook the planet when they took a single step.

“What?! Me! You’re the one that called his wife fat!” River and the Doctor ran onto the long wooden bridge that stretched across the vast ocean, thankfully they would only have to run a quarter of it.

“I didn’t say that! I said she should lay off the chips is all!” The Doctor understood how bad it actually was as the words came out of his mouth.

“And you didn’t think she’d be offended?” The guards had now also run onto the bridge and even though they were slow they took big steps.

“Yeah fair point, I guess we were both in the wrong.” Then he saw it, his small blue TARDIS. It was parked on the bridge with the big salty waves rolling behind. They both sprinted faster and with a snap of the fingers the Doctor opened the door and they both ran in. River immediately ran to the Console and began to prepare for flight. The Doctor on the other hand stuck his head out the door and gave the Norfelels a smile. “Sorry about the trouble. By the way, tell the chef he makes excellent kabobs!” Then he shut the door and the Norfelels watched in fury and shock as the blue box disappeared.


“So where are we off to now?” Young Rose Tyler looked at the Doctor as he began to fix his black leather jacket.

“Where do you want to go?” He picked a white string off his sleeve then looked at her.

“Uh, I don’t know. Future maybe?”

“How far?”

“How far can we go?”

“It’s a time machine Rose, there’s not really a limit.”

Rose was just about to start fighting with him about the fact that it was hard to choose when a loud beeping began to go off followed by blinking lights. The Doctor looked at the Console with confusion.

“What’s happening?” Rose asked.

“Truth or lie?” The Doctor glanced at her.

“Truth defiantly truth.” They both grabbed onto the TARDIS consol as it began to shake.

“We’re caught in an orbit tempest!" The Doctor twisted something that looked like a blue and green light bulb with gold glitter on the top.

“Orbit tempest? What’s an orbit tempest and why does it sound bad?” Rose lurched around as the Doctor grabbed something from a compartment under the console. He threw it to her and she barely caught it.

“Turn to page 996.” He instructed.

The book was heavy and had no cover. Its pages were thin and looked very old, so old she thought they might fall apart as she turned them. But finally she came to 996 and at the top it read “Orbit Tempests”. With one hand on the console and one holding the book she read as best she could in the shaky environment. “Orbit tempests are a collection of stars, asteroids, comets, and other unidentified flying objects that are caught up in a magnetic pull around a planet so intense it can send them through space at the speed of 739,834,242,397,842,432,425,600,776 light years per minute.” She looked up at the Doctor. “And I’m guessing we’re in the unidentified flying objects group?”

Doctor Who New Year's Eve (New Year Special)Where stories live. Discover now