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A week later, as I was getting lunch, the news came on about a huge fire right next to an oil tanker, and I watched as I ate, raising a brow as Kara appeared on the scene and tried to blow out the fire, which just made it worse, so she pulled the tanker away from the fire, cracking the front in the process, and creating an oil spill.

"Oh, Rao." I whisper to myself, watching my little cousin sigh heavily, obviously disappointed in herself, or frustrated, maybe a little bit of both. When I finish my lunch, I pay and head to work. I hadn't gone in for the day yet, because I woke up late, but still had to go in. As I got to my desk, Winn raised a brow at me. "Sorry, sorry, I uh, burnt myself with the curler?" I ask, and Winn raises a brow. "I had a girl over last night." I say and Winn laughs. "Oh, shut up, Schott, it's not like you get laid, I probably had more sex last night than you've had all year." I say and Winn sighs.

"You're right." He says, and I nod. Opening a game Winn bought for me on Monday, and playing it for a while, until Winn walks in with Kara, the smell of burning oil clinging to her, I squint a little bit, before grabbing my phone and texting Clark.

Me: Hey, Clark?

Clark: Hey, Tessa?

Me: You're mocking me, and I don't appreciate it.

Clark: What's up?

Me: I don't remember, but, what was the name of the family you placed Kara with?

Clark: The Danvers Family. Your coworker, Kara? Yeah, that's our Kara.

Me: I knew she was familiar when I first ran into her here in National City, damn.

Clark: You're welcome.

Me: Thanks.

The next day, as I put my phone down on my desk, I look up to see Kara in Ms. Grant's office, talking to her, so I listen in, hearing Cat tell Kara what Supergirl should do. Start small and work her way up, so when Kara finally comes out of Ms. Grant's office, I stand up.


"Winn, I need to talk to you in the alley." She says and Winn sighs.

"Thank god you didn't say the roof." He says, and I speak up again.

"Kara." I say, and Kara finally looks over. "I need to talk to you." I say, and she sighs.

"Can it wait, Tessa?"

"No, not really." I say, and she walks off, so I follow her.

"Kara, Kara. Kara," I say before looking around at our coworkers, whispering as I speak now. "I know you're Supergirl." I say, and she turns to me.

"I-you-what? How?" She asks, and I raise a brow. "Ugh, just... meet me in the alley." She says, so I go jog to catch up with Winn, but fail, so when I get out there, Winn and James are standing out there awkwardly trying to explain why they were there, stopping as they see me.

"Tessa, hey." They say, and I raise a brow.

"Both of your excuses are shit." I say, and they raise a brow at me before we all look up at the flying figure, watching Kara land in front of us.

"Wh-he knows?" They ask in unison, before Winn points to me.

"She knows?"

"James already knew, and Tessa figured it out herself."

"Wh-how's that?" Winn and James ask at the same time again.

"She's my cousin." Kara and I say in unison and I look at her. "Superman told me you forgot my adoptive last name. We agreed to let you figure it out on your own."

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