the last day, pt. 2

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just this once
i can't articulate my feelings
because right now,
they're a bittersweet compound
of everything under the sun
and absolutely nothing at all.

and that's just it.
i have so many things to say,
so many metaphors,
they all get mixed up in my head.

it's like the night sky,
when you look up,
and there's so many things to stare at;
there's stars and satellites
and new worlds and black holes,
all at once.

so many meanings.

you know when you look up
and it's all so far away?
you're so small, and so distant,
you forget that you're part of it all?
and you're just so
painfully, heartbreakingly


yeah, it's...
it's like that.

kind of.

i really don't know how to explain.

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