Chapter Seven: A peek of the past

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Vulcans POV

Hybrid. That's what I am and Elaine can't find out how monstrous I could be. In her eyes, she already sees me as a demon. It will only be a matter of time before she remembers me once again. Her memories being tampered with when she was ten puts a hindrance on our relationship.

Her unfortunate past started when her father heard of a demon that can save humans from a deadly sickness. It was a price to pay though, kind of like an eye for an eye. Elaine's fathers name was Cain, and when he was seeking for answers he came across me.

In return for helping him, he offered me money. Gladly, I took up the offer. Back then, I was a lone assassin just trying to get by with what I could. No home, no where to go except the streets. It was the easiest way to survive, doing the dirty work for others.

After months of searching, Cain and myself found what we were looking for.

The necromancer.

She agreed to help Cain heal his wife under one condition. Sacrifice. A life for a life. The necromancer suggested giving Cain's newborn daughter to me knowing that I am a blood thirsty monster. Cain's desperation led him to willingly give the child to me, instead of paying me for my services.

The child belonged to me, her body and soul, yet I allowed her to stay with her parents. Cain's wife was showing improvement and she was getting healthier everyday. They were a happy family, he was happy.

I never left though. I lingered, watching her grow, making sure nothing would harm even a single hair on her head.

When Cain would leave, Elaine would come out to play. She found me every time waiting for her in the forest.

We would play and I would tell her stories. I will never forget her precious smiles as she would peer up at me.

Years after years went by of repeating our routine. Then on her tenth birthday, she came looking for me in the spot we would meet everyday. I treasured protecting her and watching over her all while I fell in love.

When she found me, her amber eyes sparkled as she spoke to me. I could never forget what she asked me that day.

"Vulcan, I'm ten years old now!" She shouts holding all her fingers up for me to see. Then she shyly drops her head as the tip of her foot digs nervously in the dirt like she were contemplating on something.

"Will you become my husband?" She asks with a cute, but shy smile. She spins her baby blue dress back and forth with her hands while she patiently waits for me to answer.

It brought a smile to my face, but she is far too young still.

"I promise one day I will make you the happiest girl in the world. I will sweep you off your feet and make you mine forever."

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