July Nineteenth

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By: Janaya R, owner and admin of Writers Coming Together to Write

If you’re reading this that means you are over half way through CampNaNoWriMo. You should be proud of yourself. It takes commitment to get this far. Especially if you are busy with life. Have you written nineteen days in a row? I’m not saying you’re bad if you haven’t – but you should have. Doing events like NaNoWriMo become much easier if at least one hour each day can be put aside and dedicated to writing. One hour to lock yourself in your room, or wherever you write, with just you and your imagination.

It takes a while to form a habit. There are studies showing that it can take 21 days to two months to form a habit. So, you see that doing something like this takes motivation. Motivation and dedication. You need to make the effort to set time aside until it starts to feel natural.  

What time will you set aside? Before dinner? As soon as you wake up? Maybe right before bed? It does not matter what time of day so long as you get it done. 

How to Survive Camp NaNoWriMo and Daily WritingWhere stories live. Discover now