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I pulled my heels out of my bag and zipped them up as Bonnie was parking.

I got out the car and read the rainbow colored sign on the building.


"Bonnie what the fuck man." I said

She slammed her compact shut and stared at me confused.

"Bitch this is a lesbian club." I said pointing to the sign.

"Ok?" She said

I scoffed and stared at her.

"None of us are a fucking lesbian." I said through gritted teeth.

Everybody else snickered as they got out the car.

Bonnie walked over to me and held my shoulders.

"Babygirl focus on fun ok." She said kissing my cheek and walked away to the door of the club.

Shawna one of the other girls walked to the door and dapped the bouncer.

"Yall this is my brother Isaac." She said

He nodded for us to go in and I looked inside and sighed.

"Fun." I said to myself.

Everybody rushed to the dance floor and I went to the bar and stood in line pouting.

"What can I get you baby?" The bartender asked.

"Sprite." I said plainly.

She nodded her head and grabbed a glass.

I slid my backpack off to pay as she set it on the counter.

"$3.50." She said

"I got it mami." A random voice said.

I grabbed my Sprite and turned around avoiding the face as I walked away.

"Thanks." I said behind me walking quickly through the crowd.

I found an empty spot in the corner and sat down sipping my Sprite.

"First time?" The same voice said.

I rolled my eyes and was about to tell her off but froze staring at her.

She stood up straighter and posed.

"Yes take in all of my godlike beauty." She said

I looked down and blushed from embarrassment.

She sat down next to me and nudged my shoulder.

"I take it that you either don't get out much or you've never been around a fine nigga before." She said chuckling.

I looked at her and giggled.

"Both." I said and chewed on my straw.

She nodded her head and sipped on her drink.

"May I ask why you're drinking that weak ass Sprite?" She said

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm only 19." I said

She looked at me shocked and sat back.

"See you look mad young but you act like an older person afraid of people more so than a 15 year old afraid of the cops." She said

I scoffed and pushed her away playfully as she laughed.

"I'm not afraid of people I just dont like going out and this isnt particularly a crowd I fit in with." I said avoiding eye contact with her.

She snickered and spit out her drink.

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