26 Years Old

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Peter and Michelle walked out of the Stark Tower lift at exactly 5:30pm. With a wild grin, Peter carried a small bundle wrapped in a blanket while Michelle carried a bag full of supplies.

The moment the lift doors opened, Tony was up off the couch and racing to meet Peter and Michelle. It was the first night Michelle and Peter would have alone since AJ had been born seven months ago and Tony and Pepper had offered immediately. Of course, they had already taken care of AJ before, but never overnight.

As soon as Peter and the baby were within reach, Tony reached out for him.

"Hey, buddy," Tony cooed, taking the baby into his arms. He smiled at Peter and Michelle before reaching out and taking the bag from her and saying, "Pepper's around here somewhere."

"She better be," Michelle said.

Tony rolled his eyes and Peter grabbed her hand. Seconds later, Pepper walked into the living room and raced over to take AJ from Tony.

"Baby!" she exclaimed. Tony reluctantly handed AJ over to her but kept the baby bag Michelle had packed.

"What time should we come get him?" Peter asked.

Pepper seemed distracted by AJ, so Tony took the liberty of asking.

"It's okay if you don't," he said. Peter gave him a look and he chuckled. "I'm sure we won't care. Late afternoon, is fine."

"You'll get tired of him crying eventually," Michelle warned. Tony waved her off.

"Doubtful," he said, "I had Peter for 21 years and I'm not tired of him."

Peter frowned.

"Just go!" Pepper said. She shifted AJ in her arms and turned him to face his parents. "We'll be happy to keep him for the night. You two deserve a break."

"Are you sure?" Peter asked. Pepper just nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Have fun," she told him.

Peter nodded and took AJ from her to kiss his forehead.

"Bye, kiddo," he said, "Be good for grandpa and grammy."

AJ just smiled and gently hit Peter's face. Peter passed him to Michelle who kissed his cheek.

"See you later, baby boy," she said. For her, he squealed happily and clapped his hands. Michelle smiled and passed AJ back to Pepper, telling her, "We'll be back late afternoon tomorrow."

"Alright," Pepper said. She helped AJ wave as Peter and Michelle walked back to the lift. Until the lift doors closed, they waved back.

"Finally we get a night of peace," Michelle muttered, rubbing her forehead as the headache she'd had for the past couple of hours slowly went away. Peter kept his eyes closed and just moaned in agreement.

"Can we just go to sleep now?" he asked, only partially kidding.

Michelle immediately agreed and five minutes after they returned to their floor in Stark Tower, they were both climbing into bed. As Michelle curled against him, Peter wrapped an arm around her.

"Good night," she said, falling asleep as she spoke.

Peter didn't even reply. He had fallen asleep right after she had laid down beside him. 

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