Chapter 7: "Save Me"

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Then I hear my spirit calling
Wondering if she's longing for me
And then I know that I can't live without her

(Flashback to December 2001)

Taylor and Michelle were hanging out at her apartment. Taylor was winding down after a extremely frustrating and exhausting day at the studio.

"So I'm guessing things didn't go well at the studio today, huh?" Michelle asks while massaging Taylor's shoulders.

Taylor sighed.

"No, not really" he answered back.

"I'm sorry, Tay."

"Don't be, it's not your fault," he sighed in frustration."I just wish the label would just get on board with our new music, you know?"

"Just have faith in what you're doing, eventually they will come around. And, if they don't, then they're officially the world's biggest idiots for not recognizing the level of talent you and your brothers possess." Michelle said with so much optimism in her voice.

Taylor smiled slightly at that comment.

He turned his head slightly and faced Michelle.

"Thank you," he said.

"For what?" Michelle said while still massaging his tense shoulders.

"For being my listening ear and hearing me complain about all the bullshit problems we're having with our label right now. I know it's not exactly the kind of night you want to have."

Michelle stopped massaging Taylor for a moment and said her next words to him with all sincerity.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. When I decided to be with you, I wanted to be with you completely. That means through the good and the bad times, because that's how much you matter to me." Her eyes and voice filled with such love.

Taylor was completely touched by her words. He leaned in to give her a kiss to express his gratitude.

The kiss was very sensual, but tame. Taylor and Michelle embraced each other, and for a few minutes they were silent as the two of them basked in the intimacy of their happiness.

They pulled away from each other finally.

"Feeling better?" Michelle asked Taylor.

"Yeah, much better. Thank you again." he said to her while leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the lips.

"So, are you hungry?" Michelle asked Taylor.

"Yeah, I'm starving."

Michelle walked into her small kitchen. "Well, I was thinking we could order some Chinese, so let me just find the phone number and restaurant's menu, and I'll order away. I'm assuming you'll have the usual?" Michelle rambled on and on as she actively searched through her kitchen drawers for the menu.

"Yeah, but before you do that can we sit down for minute?" He asked while grabbing one of Michelle's hands and leading her back to the couch.

"Sure...." she said, confused.

Taylor plopped down on the couch and Michelle sat on his lap. She casually played around with his hair and she gently stroked it, and locked eyes with him.

"What's up?" she asked curiously.

"Well, I want to ask you...if you had any plans for Christmas?" Taylor asked.

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