I Want

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I want a life filled with beauty. I want a man who will treat me right. I want my family to understand. I want to end this fight. They tell I've been so strong, but they never look me in the eyes. The secrets I hear whispered, they're . . .right. I've never learned to trust someone, I've never learned to love. My life has been spiraling, screaming like a dove. The sounds I hear are eerie, the light I see is none.

My life is far from thrilling, oh, when will this be done? I've lost the time I've lived in. I lost my memory. Where can I go, who will restore me?

The happy girl I used to be, now lies broken before you. No longer does she smile, oh, but how she adores the sea. Her love has shrunk, but that girl. . .she's still. . .me.

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