Chapter 38-Secrets

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(Mature content, even though that wont stop you from reading. Have fun ;)


Chapter 38


I looked over from Glenn and Maggie as I saw everyone smiling, except Joslyn. Michonne saw that she was confused, and then told her that Glenn was Maggie's husband.

She doesn't need to know everything.

Glenn stood at Maggie's side as he held her waist with one hand, letting go to hug everyone. Everyone that he knew.

"Who's this?"

Glenn looked down at Joslyn as her right hand laid over her left elbow, crossing her right arm in front of her stomach. I stepped closer to all of them, heading away from the stairs.

"This is Joslyn..."
Michonne motioned to me when she told him that. I took a deep breath, my jaw tensing as Joslyn looked at me, and I went up the stairs.


My hand traced across the railing as I heard Joslyn head after me. The group was probably going to just ignore it, act like we were just two kids in a fight. We weren't.

I went to a certain room, pushing on the door as I walked in, and pushing it back behind me, just for Joslyn to stop it with the palm of her hand and to enter, closing the door behind her.

"Carl, what is wrong with you-"
"I'll tell you what's wrong! Look around. LOOK AROUND, WHAT DO YOU SEE?!"

I saw her look around the room that we stood in. Comic books took up the shelves of an old book case that stood next to a rustic computer, no longer good. The posters on the wall were mainly from band tours, and it looked exactly how it used to.

"Oh, gosh...Carl is-"
"Yes, this is my house. This is my story, too. C'mon, sit down, I'll tell you it..."

My voice was harsh, just like my grip as my hand wrapped around her wrist, and I sat her on the edge of the bed. I didn't want to be that forceful, but I don't think it was me that did it...

"This room was where I spent my days reading comic books, playing video games, and listening to old rock bands that my dad told me about. One day, I heard screams over the music, and that's when the turn happened. You know what I did?! I sat at that window, and prayed. Yep. I used to believe in your shit Wish Granter. I used to believe in him, and Judith's first word, even related to him,"
I chucked the piece of paper out of my pocket, with amen written on it.

"Now, I thought that meant something, until she died. Then, I had nothing. And ya know, that's what people thought of me. Nothing. A kid. Yep, that's my story, right there. A pretty shitty life if I say so myself. Then, you came along, Miss Joslyn Harris, and I thought you could change all of that. I thought someone who was like me would understand. I thought you could take me and make me something new. But, you didn't. You were just another disappointment to me and it was my fault. I cared too much. Now, I'm shooting at people just to warn them and I can't even kiss a damn girl without worrying about it. Now, I care too little, and it was all for some stupid gir-"

I saw Joslyn sitting on the bed. I realized what I had just said, and I hated myself for it. She slowly stood up, holding the paper in her hands. My lips trembled, and I was about to cry. I squeezed my lips together, sliding my tongue between them and grinding them through my teeth.

"Shitty life, shitty person...makes sense."

I looked at the floor before I felt Joslyn wrap her arms around me, hugging me as a tear fell down my cheek.

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