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"We've been grouped often in many subjects and I just want to thank you for all the efforts you've put into our projects... and presentations."

Jack swallowed—and chuckled.

"Thank you too, Punzie." His jaw tightened.

"I meanit isn't that much but it is all I wanted to say, either way."

From the small clear open space, a tint of tiny smile creeps into his lips, his head was draped down.

Merida were staring blankly in the wilderness, neither staring back at her friends nor barging into their conversations. Her eyes was still—like looking through a prey, eyeing its every movements and counts of breaths for one whole minute.

It is not that she doesn't want to join in. Merida understands and wholly appreciates Rapunzel for reaching out to the group—she wasn't even surprised hearing those words pouring out from her mouth. It it just a natural characteristic of Rapunzel. But the gravest thing that hadn't left Merida's mind at peace, is that the memory box itself. The events still claw into her body freshly—the images dancing in her mind even without the intention of thinking thoroughly about it. It just... appears any time. Maybe because, Merida doesn't want to forget it either.

The time she had seen her face at the end of the box—the way it shivered, producing into a more concrete and bulk formation, swirl of colors into a specific stature—which belongs to her, or hers entirely. For all that happened, Merida kept the box after all, knowing that it is something that is worth of directing her own fate and life. Merida hid it in a narrow and secured place where no one will ever find. And that idea alone, creeps the hell out of her. If she had made a wise decision of keeping it.

Merida isn't sure.

"Why don't we..." Hiccup peered in.

He had been planning the idea lately after seeing and hearing the words Rapunzel shared a while ago. Hiccup wanted to bring closure to the group—to the four of them. To at least provide new experiences that they have not done before... before even their paths can cross each other.

Hiccup liked the idea.

"Why don't we eat together? Dine in for the night?"

Rapunzel quickly stared at him.

She nodded excitedly.

"YesYeah. That is a good idea, Hic." She smiled. "I heard, there is this new restaurant a couple of blocks down the university. It's been a trend lately and I think"

She pointed her fingers back and forth between her and Hiccup.

"We think it would be a really great thing to do."

Hiccup and Rapunzel gave the two exchange looks of questions. Waiting for Jack and Merida to lay their answers whether they accept or decline the offer.

"Well... What do you think?" Rapunzel asked.

Merida gaped her heads a little sideward, her back at them. Jack, clearly hearing what they said, slowly pulled the hood off. There had been a short extension of silence before anyone of them could answer.

Merida sighed.

Jack heaved a deep breath.

"I'm sorry lass, but I can't go."

"That is very nice but, really, I-I don't feel so good."

The two explained at the same time—like a choir from a church or a professional duo singers. Hiccup and Rapunzel heard their own reasons of them not being able to go and honestly, they felt a pang of disappointment in their skin upon hearing what Jack and Merida had just said.

A New World | THE BIG FOUR: Book 2 ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang