Chapter 4 : It's literally the same, Lia

Start from the beginning

"HE IS NOT MY FATHER!" He shouted, causing me to jump. "And you're not my mother either. Tell me, have I ever made you proud?"

He shifted to the side and I saw a glimpse of a woman in a blue dress.

Must be Frigga.

"Never, am I wrong? Thor, your son have made both of you proud and behind him, was me, hidden in the shadows. Because I am a monster. A frost giant."

"We raised you up. We're your only family, Loki," a female voice lit up in the room.

My eyes widened, receiving chills.

"Oh, Mother... You are the only reason why I am still alive and breathing right now. With your negotiation on him, I am banished to Earth with nothing of my control as a punishment. If not, Odin would've slit my throat long time ago."

"You are my son and I will always love and fight for you. There is never a second that I have regretted having a son like you."

Knowing that the outside was tuned out, I quickly left the room. My phone started ringing and I picked it up.


"Where are you? I've called your house phone multiple times."

"I'm still at S.H.I.E.L.D. What's up?"

"At this timing? You don't even have a car, Lia."

"Now, who's the one who said he wanted to modify my beautiful black M6 BMW?"

"Stay there. I'm picking you up."

Tony ended the call. I rolled my eyes and left to wait for him. Once I reached the ground level, I lean against the wall and thought of Loki's conversation with his mother.

I learnt that he is powerless. His illusion abilities are no longer in his control. He was banished to Earth. So I was right all this while. He was pretending to have his abilities when he doesn't. He has no intention on Earth either. He is alone, banished to Earth. All he wants was to make his parents proud of him. He wants to be noticed. He is no different than any of us just that he's showing it in the wrong way. Maybe there is still hope for him. Maybe he can change.

I snapped out of my thoughts when something light hit my stomach. I look down at the item and it was a tissue box. I look up and it was Tony in a car. My car.

"Hey, mermaid. Get in the car."

My jaw dropped, looking at my car.

"It looks beautiful! My baby looks amazing!"

"It's literally the same, Lia."

I grabbed the tissue box on the floor and went in my car. It smells like a brand new car and I love it very much. The smell soothes me.

"Wait. My windows are much more tinted than before."

"Let's say I made your car a little bit more safer. Knowing the type of driver you are. The one-legged driver. Even before the accident, you were already a one-legged driver."

"It's comfortable."

"Yeah, comfortable. I'm not risking your safety just because it's comfortable for you."

He drove back to the Tower as we both listened to the music playing on the radio. I hummed to the music, still caught up with the conversation Loki had with his mother.

How was I able to not see her before? She clearly wasn't there earlier on. It can't be he noticed me right? Or am I something else? Impossible. I'm a Stark.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now