What was it that you said?

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We arrived in Mexico, docked, and I woke up later then I'd normally... I get up and see Herc isn't beside me, probably at breakfast with the boys. I do my makeup and get dressed and head for the main deck.

I see the boys eating, grabbing a plate I sit down beside them, downing the food. "Morning Kitten." Hercules smiles giving my cheek a kiss. "Morning Teddy Bear." I murmur.

:-: :-:

We got off the boat and split up, Laf and Aaron came with Herc and I while John and Alexander wandered off somewhere...

We headed to a bar because supposedly Mexico has the best Tequila, and well, I like Tequila.

~*Short TimeSkip brought to you by the Now drunk squad*~

You guys stagger out the door and somehow found your way back to the ship which was leaving in 10 minuets. You board the ship and head to the nightclub cause why not?

Once you're there you begin to dance, allowing the beat to guide your body, some dances would be seductive and others full on rager...

Aaron, being the most sober, took me to his and Laf's Cabin for some aspirin since he and I were staring to sober up, Hercules headed back to our shared Cabin.

I took the aspirin without water since I wasn't going to pay for it, then yanked him while I walk out the door with my brother, he wanted to walk me back to be sure I wouldn't get forced into something by some drunk guy.

:-: :-:

When we arrive at my cabin I hear moans coming from inside, possibly Herc jerking himself off? I then hear another, it's feminine.

I quickly enter the room key and open the door, I see a girl sitting atop a naked Hercules. My eyes brim with tears. Lafayette stares at my for a moment before following in and sees.

I glare at Herc, my fist clenching. "Get. Out." I growl. He takes notice of me and his expression fades from lust to fear and hurt.

He gets up, shoving the girl off him, and quickly getting dressed and approached me. "I-" I cut him off. "I said, get. Out." I spat. He frowns and walked out, the girl followed him but he shoved her away so she went her own direction.

"I'll have Aaron come over, he's better in situations like this." Lafayette murmurs and pulls me into a hug. I nod with a sniffle.

Lafayette's POV (betcha didn't see that coming)

I kiss her forehead and walk out, I storm after Hercules. I was pissed, furious, how could he do that to her!

I grab Herc's shoulder and spin him around, my face was red with anger, I think her noticed that. "Let me explain-" I cut him off shortly.

"You 'urt 'er feelings. You fucking dick, you 'urt 'er..." I growled lowly, my think French accent causing me to not be able to form full words. He stared at me and swallowed. "Don't ever touch her again. Don't go near her again. Just stay away from her. You hear?" I snarled. He nodded quickly, still frowning.

I huff and let him go, punching him before I stormed off. I open my phone and text John and Alex's group chat with me.

FrenchBaguette: Y/n's Cabin, now.

Turtle-Boy: Why? What happened?

SinnamonBun: Yeah, what happened Laf?

FrenchBaguette: Herc cheated on Y/n.

Turtle-Boy: I'll beat him senseless!

SinnamonBun: I'll kill him, Y/n's our lil' sis of the group!

FrenchBaguette: Just Get there, now.

Turtle-Boy: We're on our way.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I enter my sister's cabin, she's on the bed crying, Aaron's arms wrapped around her as he comforts her.

I sit down and hug her as well. "Why...? Why'd he do it?" She whispers. I glance at Aaron who just looks at me sympathetically. "He was a fool to do so." Aaron murmured in her ear.


"He was a fool to do so." Aaron murmured in my ear. Next thing I know John and Alexander burst through. "Where is he?!" Alexander snarls. "I-It's fine Alex, really... leave it alone." I said shakily. "That prick is asking for trouble! I'll be back y/n," he huffs and storms out in search of Hercules.

I shuddered, snuggling into Aaron's warmth. Lafayette smirked slightly, I roll my eyes and shove him playfully. "There's my y/n..." he smiles. I smile back at Laf and hug him back.

:-: :-:

It's been about a half-hour and I finally got over it and stopped crying, I was talking with Aaron. "Burr-Bear?" I whisper. "Yes y/n?" He replied in a soft tone.

"Thanks." I murmur. "For what?" He stared at me quizzically. "For being here, for being there when I needed you in general." I gave cheeky grin and he blushed lightly. "Of course." He says gently and pulls me into a tight embrace.

I yawn and close my eyes, without realizing, falling asleep on Aaron's chest. He strokes my hair as I do so.

Aaron's POV

I watched as Y/n fell asleep, I stroke her hair soothingly. I let her fall asleep.

~*Short TimeSkip brought to you by this author trying to finish the chapter and not pass out*~

Lafayette walks In the room and smirks as he sees Y/n sprawled out across my body. I stare at him and mouth, 'help me', I didn't want to wake her. He snickers.

"Mon ami, last time I woke her I got a black eye. You're on your own." He whispered. I huff and slowly start trying to remove her from me. Lafayette laughs softly as I struggle.

He then approached and grabs his sister gently, cradling her in his arms, leaving enough time for me to get off the bed. He sets her back down and pulls the covers over her once I'm off.

I smiled at her fondly before leaving the cabin with Lafayette, silently closing the door.

(DISCONTINUED) Sweet n' Sour {*~Hercules Mulligan x Reader~*} (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now