Chapter 1: Love letter from who?

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Okay, I am writing another book. Like I said before, I have a lot of ideas, so don't judge me.

So the reason why I'm publishing these books is because it feels good to type something out that I'm not feeling. *sigh* Life is so hard right now. My boyfriend and I don't talk that much so I feel like not being on WhatsApp and talking to him because he talks mostly with my friends and not me.

Well I just want to read other books and get ideas for MY books.

Enjoy and please make my day by just voting please. Thanks.

PS. There maybe strong language in this story and I hope you took some French classes because there is gonna be a little bit of it. Again enjoy!😜


The sound of birds chirping delightfully woke me up. At least it wasn't my flipping alarm going off. Finally, spring in Paris. It's so beautiful when this happens every year. I raised my head up from my soft pillow and rubbing my eyes open from my so called eternal deep sleep. I lift up the duvet cover off of me and got out bed. I walked over to the mirror, looking at my reflection. I know I'm beautiful, it's just that I don't wake up gorgeous and glamorous. The messy bun I tided up before I went to bed last night turned into a complete disaster. It looked like a tornado came and ruined it. Oh well, I'll just do it a little later.

I went over and opened my closet. The only thing that first caught my eye was the uniform. Since I live in Paris, I go to this incredibly boring school ever! We have to where these bland old uniforms that were first designed in 1960's, but I spice it up a bit just by pulling up my grey checked uniform skirt that reached below my knees, above my knees and having long white socks instead of small socks. The uniform may not look attractive, but you should see the boys that go to that school. Hot and sexy I tell you, but I don't think the boys there are my type.

When I was done fixing my tie, I move on with my messy curly knotted hair. Having to do a little TLC here and there, I grabbed my brush and hairspray from my dresser. Starting to untangle the knots while standing in front of the mirror, my younger sister, Belle barged in.

"Where is my hairbrush, Rose?!" She whined, slamming the door open.

I look at the brush I'm combing with, realizing I asked her yesterday if I can borrow it cause I lost mine. She said no, but I stole it anyways. She stares at the brush then glares at me, then her nose starts to twitch a little, the grunting begins, again. This is not the first time she gets angry. Belle gets furious almost about everything these days. Last week she almost went mad over when Henry, our 11 month old baby brother, spilt his bottle of milk all over her brand new pink sparkly pencil bag that dad bought her. The girl has anger issues. She could just wash it off. She's only 12 years old, she should know how to wash clothes by now.

"Here it comes." I whisper to myself while my face with hands for protection.

Peeking through my fingers, I looked if she was gone, instead she's right in front of me, hearing her breathing loudly. The brush in my hand, I stretch my hand out to her. Staring at her, wondering what she's going to do next. Spit on my school shoes? Scream right in my ear? Insult me? Just waiting there clueless, why she isn't doing anything yet. Unexpectedly, snatches it out of my hand.


I can't believe I'm afraid of a 10 year old little girl. She may look innocent and sweet, but once you mess with her, yikes, she'll try to think of ultimate revenge.

I turn around back to face my mirror, seeing my like this not so good, so I just gotta improvise. I quickly look at my digital watch, the time is 07:12. School doesn't start till 07:30.

"Girls, hurry up now, you going to be late for school." My mom announced from downstairs.

I hurry up as fast as I can. I quickly do my hair in a curly ponytail since I don't have time to straighten my hair. Grabbing my bag and speeding down the staircase. I go to the kitchen to the cupboards, ripping a Cheerios cereal box open and grabbing a handful and then shoving the bits of cereal into my mouth.

My mom walks into the kitchen, carrying Henry by her waist. Henry is the most adorable bundle of joy I have ever seen. His dark brown hair and hazel eyes he gets those from mom and the pale-ish skin and handsomeness from dad. Usually dad wasn't at home cause he works extra hours at the private hospital.

"Oh, honey, you taking Belle to school." My mom informed me while placing Henry in his eating stool.

"What?!" I spat out the chewed Cheerio bits.

Having to take Belle to school is the worst. When I drive her to school, we pass these restaurants, shops, markets and cafes and whenever she looks at those things she would want to go there and buy something. If I don't let her take her there, BOOM! Again she throws a big tantrum. When I drop her off, she goes to school frustrated and puts her anger on other children.

I pull out my hand to count the reasons why I can't take her. "But you know how she is when she goes to school. She gets in the car, buckles up, sits quiet, looks out the window, spots something she wants, pleads if she can have it, I say no, she goes angry and then arrives to school and be a 'bully' to the other children for the rest of the day."

* * *

I focus my attention on the road, trying not to cause any trouble with her. I hope she doesn't speak or scream. Surprisingly she hasn't said a word for 10 minutes. I didn't mind at all. I stopped the in front of the school entrance.

"Au revoir, Belle. » I waved through the window.

No response came from her. I don't why but I just ignore it anyways. I'm more worried about being on time right now. I instantly hit my foot down on the gas and sped off through the highway. I arrive to school in 4 minutes tops and park my car in the parking lot. I look at my wrist to see what's the time.

"07:28, phew. Wait 07:28?!" I realize the time and start to panic.

I come up with a plan. It's so simple. Run. I take my car keys and my backpack from the backseat and scurry out of the car. I use my athletic skills to boost me up. Running in these stupid school shoes made me slow down a bit but just kept on moving forward. I don't why I had to park the car far from the entrance. Still running I look at my watch and see it's...07:29! I focus on where I'm running and constantly staring at my ticking watch. I hear the school clock ticking. I search for the Science laboratory and bingo there it is. I stop and stand by the doorway and seeing if Mam'Zelle has arrived, but I was too late. I could see in her death stare, it said straight to detention. I drag myself over to my desk where I sat between my buddies, Shawn and Clarissa. I place my chin down on the desk table, a little sad, but knowing I'm going to make it out alive when school is over.

Hearing Mam'Zelle's voice drone on and on about never mixing mint and fizzy cool drinks together except for you can only do it in the laboratory. Her husky voice talking it almost leads me into a sleep. But as my eyes were looking down on my desk, a piece of paper is laid in front of me by Shawn. He leans over and whispers it's from someone in the classroom. Now this absolutely got my attention, but confused. Seeing his face also confused, I'm being left clueless and and curious. I unfold the piece of paper and run my through the words and letters written.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know you may not know me
But I know you.

Wow. Somehow it sounds like the person who wrote this is kind of like stalking me. Or, he likes me? I don't know, but right now I can't focus on what Mam'Zelle is trying to say, coz my curiosity keeps growing and trying who wrote this and why does he like me?

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