Chapter X - Primus Academy

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Despite Mum's comforting and soothing words of "everything will be alright", I fell asleep that night in a cloud of misery and despair. I tossed and turned all night and thought of everything I hated about Terranovus. I hated my new big stupid bedroom that required more than five steps to reach each piece of separate furniture. I hated the ridiculous smell of nature and fresh sea that wafted through my open window. I hated bloody Iris who I knew was recording every moment and sound I made.

Despite my misfortune, I was able to think of one silver lining - since Terranovus had no signal, the resistance wouldn't be able to contact me as well. No more blackmailing meant Tommy's life was no longer in jeopardy.

The next morning Iris woke me up at 7.30am. She kindly informed me the weather forecast was sunny at 68 degrees fahrenheit and I had one hour until the estimated arrival time of the school bus. Out of habit, I went to reach for my Ingo and check my notifications but stopped mid action. I had no signal. I laid back in bed and contemplated for a moment, I always spent the first ten minutes of every morning checking my social media apps.

Sighing, I crawled out of bed and showered quickly (which was a experience with seven shower heads) and slipped into my new school uniform that fit perfectly. When I looked into the mirror I grimaced and squirmed uncomfortably. My sling looked awful and I didn't feel like me at all. Skirts and I did not go well together.

I heard my parents talking in the kitchen so I decided to join them after checking my appearance in the mirror one last time. They smiled at me encouragingly as I joined walked into the kitchen.

"You look nice," commented dad.

"How are you feeling?" asked mum gently. They were both already sitting at the dining table and eating their breakfasts.

"Fine," I replied and opened the kitchen cupboards to see what I could eat. A variety of cereals, porridges, breads and spreads and pancake mixes laid organised on a shelf. Families back at the Sectors would have dreamed to have so much food on one shelf. Ignoring a feeling of guilt crawling up my stomach, I grabbed the loaf of bread and shut the cupboard.

Dad glanced at his new watch then turned to mum.

"Looks as though it's time for work, I don't know what time I'll finish," he said and stood up from his chair. As if on queue a car outside beeped its horn. Dad leaned to mum and kissed her on the cheek then walked over to me and kissed me on the head.

"I love you girls," he called out and walked out the front door.

"Bye," we called out. After the front door closed, Mum turned to me.

"Are you excited for school?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and popped two slices of bread into the toaster.

"Not really," I said. Mum stood up from the table and took her dishes over to the sink.

"Remember Tilly, millions of children back at the Sectors could only dream for an opportunity like this. Please try and make the most of it," she encouraged. I sighed and rolled my eyes. If only she knew the truth.

"Yes Mum," I mumbled and jumped in fright as the toast popped.

The next thirty minutes flew by quickly as mum packed a school lunch for me and I rummaged through random draws to find stationery for my school bag. Before I knew it, I was standing outside of my new home and watching a yellow driverless school bus make its way down the street. I took a deep breath and walked forward down the path and through the white wooden fence.

The bus stopped in front of me and the doors spun open. I quickly glanced back at my mum who was standing at the front porch with a reassuring smile painted on her face and stepped up onto the bus. Immediately I felt a dozen pair of eyes stare at me and size me up. I ducked my head down and quickly sat next to a small brunette girl with glasses. The bus went to close its doors but a shout was heard from outside.

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