chapter 4: the drive.

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Liam's P.O.V

Stiles is taking me in the bugatti. Back to his house or should I say mansion.  Dang he's loaded he has three sport cars a Lamborghini, a Nissan GTR, and a bugatti. I hope he comes back to beacon hills. With his cars.  We just got in the car it's so nice. The pack is going to try to follow.

"You like it?" Stiles asked. He must have seen me looking around the bugatti is matte black the inside is black and red.

 He must have seen me looking around the bugatti is matte black the inside is black and red

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"Ya its amazing

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"Ya its amazing." I said in aw.

"What should we do go fast or stay close to the pack?" He asked.

"Fast the pack knows how to get there. " I said.

"Thought you'd say that." Stiles said

"Not that fast you don't want a ticket" I said he laughed.

"Its fine Ethier I can pay our I can compel them to get out of the ticket. You want to see if we can get them to follow for a little and take off." He said.

"Ya sure." I said he put it in drive and started to drive. A little while later we where at a stop light. Derek was behind and lydia behind us. The light turned green we took off doing a burn out. We were going really fast I was thrown back into the seat.  We kept going for a while until we stopped at a stop sign.  Stiles looked around and we drifted the corner. Derek  was behind  us but he took the turn slow after a while we should up to his house and the others just called and said they are  a few minutes away.

Stiles and I are going to look at the other cars. When we got to the garage the Lamborghini was wraped blue.

"The Lamborghini I had it wraped with color shift.  Blue and black.

  Blue and black

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