you guys are going to make me cry

107 8 21

one! this has 23 parts now! WOOOOOW! and 2! you guys are the best! 1.2k readers! i was just hoping to get 100 views and now i have that, + 1.1 k more! thank you guys so much! I could not have done this without you guys! SHOUT OUT TIME!

this will keep updating every .1k we get, and we are now at 1.3K READS! 

Lumiuos , you are so nice and kind, i have a lot of fun with you here, thank you! 

the_shiper_ , you gave me ask and dares before you were even on wattpad! (everyone, please go read her book, she is a friend that i know in real life and she has a book! Go read it!)

Diamondbeeloxwrites , you helped me find out this is what i want to do

Undertale_Freak101 , you helped me find my sans crush!

ThatRandomFangorl , StormyCipherCookierossPikachuthunder21Sansypants269 , i could not have done this without you guys! you gave me good dares, you put me in your book's,  and you stayed for the ride!

EchoNinja02 , your au high is so good! everyone reading this should go read it! and you are so nice! you are one of the best people on wattpad! everyone reading this are some of the best people on wattpad!

SylveonChanYT ,  i have some of the most fun chats in the comments with you! (but i just realized i have followed you but you have not with me! i was looking through my followers to find how to spell you, but you were not there, oh well still SHOUT OUT!)

SamaraWathen0 , there are no words that can go together but this is what i can do! You were here from the beginning to the end, you put me in a book, you keeped me going, you made some of the best ask and dares, and you basically supported this book!

 , i loved writing the wedding for you, that was so much fun!

I can't thank everyone enough and i wish there were words and enough time to thank all of you! This meant so much to me and i, i have just lost all words to say about this! thank you! have a great day!

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