Chapter 19- A Brother's Car Can NEVER be Taken

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Chapter 19- A Brother's Car Can NEVER be Taken

I walk quietly into the house, trying not to let the keys jingle or the door click too loud. Drew knows I stole his car. He left five voice mails on my phone threatening me for when I came back, and on top of that sixteen missed calls and nine violent, harsh text messages. But nothing could really break my bad mood, I’m in happy land. Smiling like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, but somewhere in the back of my heart, soul, and mind I’m shitting my pants. I knew I got Drew furious with me. Also, this time I’m aware, there’s no blaming it or pinning it on Kyle. 

Well this situation just sucks.

By the time I made my peaceful way to the stairs I got spooked by all the boys; and I mean all seven of them. They stood at the bottom of the stairs, everyone's arms crossing over their chest, all fourteen colorful eyes glaring at me. Now I would have been fine to have heard all the yelling and cursing coming from Drew alone, but if all the boys stay to watch, well, oh God help me now!

"I'm ba-"

"What the-"

"Hold on!" Brody interrupted. Oh thank God, he's not going to let Drew go through with it! Bless him, I knew I've always like him. He grabs a pair of head phones to cover Parker's ears plugging it into his phone, and blasting some really loud music through it, "continue now."

I knew I've always hated him.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing? You stole my car, drove without any fucking supervision, didn't answer any of my damn calls or texts, and above all that you interrupted me playing video games! When have I ever been okay with you driving my car! Never! For all I know you could have stolen my car and never came back, you could have wrecked my car, you could have been pulled over and sent to jail, you could have been in an accident, you could have been killed, if you got caught and mom and dad would have killed all of us! Damn it Brooklyn, why do you make such idiotic decisions! You’re such a- UGH! I fu-"

"All right Drew, I think she had enough of your wrath." Kyle says, calming him down, "Do you have something to say, Brooklyn." He warns me, giving me the look to apologize and not to make it worse.

With a scowl on my face I push his car keys firmly to his chest, "I took your car because you were being a lazy ass playing video games all day. I didn't get into a crash, I didn't get pulled over, I’m not in jail, Brody told me to drive myself, and mom and dad practically don't give a shit. Thanks for the loan and the greatest trust in me. Oh, and by the way your baby is in one piece, glad you give a great shit about me." 

I push away from him reluctantly, just by glaring at the boys on the stairs they scoot apart for me to walk by. "You thought I was going to apologize to him after saying all that to me? I thought you were supposed to be the nice one, Kyle?”

I hurry to my room throwing my bag on the floor, and slamming my door shut so that it rattled in the door frame. I stood by for a bit to listen to what they were going to say but it was quiet.


It took me two hours and three minutes for me to become bored out of my mind being locking up in my room. I finished packing up the rest of the unwanted cloths in the bin leaving it outside my door with a sign saying: Brooklyn's Donation Clothes.

Hopefully Rose would realize and pick it up soon. I haven't seen her since the day we all had the ultimate pillow fight around the house and made a mess. She didn’t tell mom and dad from what I know of, but that was Rose. She isn’t up tight and strict. She’s a cool gal, chill, and sometimes playful.

I did everything in my room possible, Facebook, organizing, texting, emails, Facebook, texting, little reading, Instagram, two minute speed naps, games, Twitter, texting. I started going crazy when I had logged into Facebook for the fifth time just to see the same thing that had happened two minutes ago.

The house went back to its loud ruckus, with an occasional two minute quiet session, but then it went back to being loud when the boys screamed at some video game. The whole time I could just hear Parker running up and down the halls screaming Aaaaahhh or Suuuuuuper Maaaaaan! While singing the Indian Jones theme song. I know, makes no sense, but no one stopped him or told him to quiet down. Or even corrected him for that matter.

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