The Lavery Twins - Chapter 26

Start from the beginning

I sighed, and felt my cheeks heat up as I thought about last night. "It was amazing," I told her. Ally squealed in excitement.

"AH, oh my god, really?"

I nodded. Ally shrieked.

"Look at you Holly," Ally commented, a proud smile on her face as she gently tapped my cheek. "You're so happy!"

"I know," I agreed, shaking my head as I couldn't seem to get rid of this grin on my face. Ally raised an eyebrow at me knowingly.

"You like being with him, don't you?" Ally wagged her eyebrows. I nodded like I was on cocaine.

"Yeah," I muttered. "I do."

"I mean," she trailed off, shrugging. "I know Shane likes being with you, too."

I blushed, and suddenly wanted to start giggling like a school girl. So not supposed to happen to me!

"How do you feel when you're with Shane?" Ally randomly asked, crossing her legs as she looked at me concerned. What, is she going all therapist on me?

I thought back to when Shane chased me all the way down the block last month, and I smirked. When I dyed his hair blue, when we sat together at the dock at the cabin, talking about random things. Being with him at the beach party, laughing at everything. The Carnival - I will probably never forget that night. Last night, swimming. All sixteen years of my life with him.

"I feel like myself when I'm with Shane," I told her, truthfully. "I mean, even before this year, we could always laugh about the stupidest things. Things Matt would never even consider funny. Shane's shy and quiet, but he has this really loud, fun crazy side to him." Last night's memories flashed to my mind, and I swallowed.

Ally smiled as I went on.

"I don't have to worry about how I look around him," I sighed. "I mean, Shane's seen me at my complete worst. Last night, I actually went swimming. You know, I never swim because of how I look when I'm wet. But you know what he told me last night?"

"What?" Ally grinned, enjoying this.

"He told me I was beautiful," I said, barely choking on the words. "I mean, I wasn't even worrying about how I could have looked like a wet rat, because I saw the way he was looking at me, and it just made me feel....I don't even know. I need a dictionary."

Ally chuckled. "So, you two went swimming with your clothes on?"

"No," I laughed. "I went in my bra and underwear."

"YOU SLUT!" She said, but she was grinning like a madman. More like Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

I covered my face, giggling. "Hey, he went in his boxers."

"Woah. He actually took off his clothes for you?"

I looked at her, taking my hands away from my face. "Yeah, you know how Shane--"

"I think everybody can see how that boy has some serious self-esteem issues. But, that's amazing, Holly."

"His self-esteem issues?" I asked, confused.

"No, stupid. The fact you guys went swimming together like that. Even though, like you said, you didn't 'swim'." She wagged her eyebrows.

"I love him, Ally," I blurted out, and immediately grimaced at myself. "Oh my god, I'm turning into a preppy lover."

Ally laughed, completely taunting me as she pointed at me. "Ha ha, preppy lover!"

"Shut up," I scowled, smacking her. Ally was still laughing at me, and then stopped mid-way.

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