Fate Is In Our Hands

Start from the beginning

Yosuke: I dunno... but it's better than freezing to death! Let's just consider ourselves lucky, okay? Anybody know the lodge's phone number? We can call them up and have them send some rescue services or something...

We all look at each other and shake our heads.

Yosuke: Seriously? Don't tell me... no one knows what it is?

Kanji: I don't have my phone with me.

Teddie: Me either.

Yosuke: Really? Come ON, man, that's why cell phones were invented! You're SUPPOSED to keep it around!

Kanji: Who the hell would I call!? We were all hangin' around together! If you'd told me we were gonna get lost, I'd have remembered to bring it!

Teddie: I'm all naked in here! You should've told that this was gonna happen!

Yosuke: How was I supposed to know!? If I'd known this was gonna happen, then we wouldn't've gotten lost! Fine... I'll give Chie a call...

Yosuke takes out his phone, but then he puts it away.

Teddie: C'mon, Yosuke, quit stalling. Hurry up and call Chie-chan.

Yosuke: ... The battery's dead.

Everyone except Yosuke: !?

Kanji: After all the shit you gave us for being unprepared, now this!

Yosuke: It's an old phone, so it runs out fast! I can't afford a new one because I was saving up for a motorcycle! I never would've imagined something like this would happen! C'mon, partner, you're our last hope.

Everyone looked at us with eyes full of hope. Yu and I take out our phones to call for help, but there's no service. We noticed a hearth on the floor and used some old newspapers and some matches to make a small fire.

Yosuke: Man, it looks like we're gonna survive this...

Y,N: Even if we do survive this, Minako is gonna kill us for making her worry so much.

We each tremble at the thought of an angry Minako. We know how much of a badass she is and I'm pretty sure she could kick our asses even without her personas. We talk for a bit and we were about to use Teddie's bear costume to keep ourselves warm when all of a sudden a nearby TV turned on. We get up to investigate it. We start moving and shoving things around.

Yosuke: Whoa! Dude! Stop it! What the hell are you doing!? Quit fooling around!

Kanji: B-But we have to find out. Right, Senpai?

Teddie: No! Big S-Sensei, stop it! You'll fall in!

Then the girls end up rushing into the cottage. Turns out this cottage is literally right behind the place we're staying in. Long story short, they thought we were doing uh... I don't want to mention it. We hopelessly tried to explain things to them and we ended up falling into the TV world. We wake up in a place called The Hollow Forest. Margaret explained everything such as this being where Marie will die to remove the fog for good. We wouldn't let that happen so we decided to stop her. We left the Hollow Forest to prepare.

2/13 Daytime

We went back to the Hollow Forest to stop Marie from killing herself, but there's so many shadows that it's started to get overwhelming. I prepare to summon a persona, but a voice interrupts me.

???: Hypnos! Megidola!

The shadows are defeated by a powerful almighty attack. We look around and I see Nathaniel behind us with Hypnos floating above him.

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