Chapter 4: Bums and Dreams

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"Akko! Behind you!" Diana tried to cast a shield on Akko but another monster leapt at her and she was forced to change targets.

Akko dived to the ground as a fireball grazed her. A large lava lizard advanced menacingly while Red Luna script flashed nearby.

"The green potion!" With a flick of her wand, Diana blasted a monster.

Akko concentrated and drank the green potion. Green Luna script flashed.

"Come here and stay together for AOE heal. There's a pause before the next fireball, so get a spell ready."

Akko cast a leap spell and jumped over the monsters between them. Moving together, they dodged the fireballs and cast magic missiles. Diana whooped with victory when the lava lizard crumpled to the ground in defeat. If she were playing with her cousins, they would make fun of her behavior. With Akko, she felt more at ease in displaying her emotions.

"That was pretty intense! What's next?" exclaimed Akko.

"Let's get healed up first and get more potions from Nagimay in town. That lizard almost finished you."

"What happens if it did?"

"You'd be down for the rest of the fight and I'd be probably go down too since it's a difficult boss. You'd also get a stat penalty for being defeated."

Despite being a novice, Akko did very well for Dungeons and Magic. She had a clumsy start, but she was observant enough to copy wand motions to move her avatar. Diana manipulated the controls for the board for the next part of the scenario. Just then, there was the sound of snapping wood and a wooden figure bounced off the wall and rolled under the table.

"I'll get it!" Akko bent down.

"Wait!" Diana ran around the corner. Akko was on her knees, head almost to the floor and she was reaching under the table's panel. As she strained, the waistband of her shorts slipped down to reveal the top of her buttocks.

Diana was about to say something but closed her mouth. She just watched Akko.

Eventually, Akko stood up with the figure in hand and a grin of triumph. "Found it!"

She took a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped Akko's forearm. "You don't have to do that. Now, you're covered in cobwebs."

"It's ok. Better me than you."

Diana smiled gratefully. "Thank you, but you're my guest. You shouldn't get yourself dirty."

"I don't mind! I'm always getting into scraps!" Akko began to tell a story of how she ended up covered with mud and causing the tub to block up.

They played another the quest. Once again, there was a snap when she operated a certain lever, then a figurine ejected and rolled under furniture.

"I saw where it went!" Like a hunting dog, Akko went down on her knees to locate the errant figurine. Her waistband slipped down again to reveal her pale behind.

Diana simply stood a few feet behind Akko with a handkerchief ready and an apology that the game board hadn't been maintained in a long time. They played a few more quests. Each time, Diana made sure to tip the lever that caused a figurine to eject then she would stand behind Akko and watch her. At school, Akko had shown herself to be quite athletic and her shirt and shorts did little to cover her slim build. She had heard stories about how much Akko practiced from early morning till late at night from Prof. Chariot. Diana wondered about Akko's stamina and how long she'd last in bed. She suppressed a gasp when she realized her thoughts and banished them by concentrating on disabling the traps in the room.

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