»12« Fun

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"Six billion people, but sometimes, all you need is one"

Y/N's POV:

~The Next Day~

I get my coat on and put on my shoes. We haven't gotten a lead yet... just more cases popping up.

I grab the leash and put it on Boomer. I'm taking him for a walk.

Maybe today will be the lucky day when I actually get to do something at work.

I open my apartment door and walk out, then closing the door. Boomer trots down the hallway.

We get in the elevator and go to the first floor. The door opens and we walk out, onto the streets.

It was a nice day, sort of, it was a little cold.

Boomer still trots in front of me, he looks so proud.

I actually need to stop at the pet store to get Boomer more food. On the way, all I'm seeing is androids, everywhere.

We get to the pet store and immediately see dogs, cats, and birds.

I stop and look at cute tuxedo kitten. I've been thinking about getting a cat, I just don't know if Boomer would be nice to it.

We go down to the food aisle. "What food do you want Boomer?" I ask. He looks up at me and barks. "You're no help here" I say.

I look at all the foods, I bend down to the lower shelf.

Boomer pulls on the leash hard, I stumble a little but don't fall. I turn to see what he was so excited about.

It's Hank and Connor! And Sumo!

That's why Boomer was so excited.

I get up and walk over to the pair.

"Hey guys" I smile.  "Hello Y/N" Connor says. "Hey" Hank says. "Hi Sumo" I pet Sumo.

Boomer is jumping up on Connor. Awh...

Connor picks up Boomer and Boomer starts licking Connor. Connor for the love of god don't lick Boomer back...

Connor laughs softly.

My heart just melts at the sight of that...

I look over to Hank, who is also watching Connor playing with the puppy.

"Connor? Can you watch Boomer for a while? I still need to shop for him" I say. "Of course Y/N" Connor says. Connor sets Boomer down and I hand Connor his leash.

"Just don't lose him" I say. Connor smiles and nods.

I head off back to the aisle to look for food and maybe some new toys, as well as a bed.

~Minutes Later~

I put all the stuff in a shopping cart. The stores would let me take the shopping cart so I can take all this stuff home. Thank god I don't have to carry it all back home...

I find Connor and Hank. "I need to go back home now" I say. "Let's go for another visit Lieutenant" Connor says. "Would you mind?" Hank asks. "No, not at all" I smile.

We walk out of the store, Connor walking Boomer instead.

I see Boomer sort of jumping around Sumo. Sumo is so calm, then there's my dog...

~At Home~

I put all the stuff in the living room, and put the food in the kitchen.

I go back into the living room and see Hank sitting on the couch, Sumo laying beside him.

Then Connor on the ground, playing with Boomer.

I have an idea!

I run upstairs and grab something.

I run back downstairs with the two things in my hand. "Connor! Put this on!" I smile, handing him the thing.

"Okay?" Connor takes the things.

I grabbed two cowboy hats, one small and a normal sized one. I had a great idea.

Connor put on the cowboy hat and I put the smaller one of Boomer. I also gave Connor a toy gun and tied a smaller toy gun to Boomer's paw. I'm already laughing at this thought, and I'm pretty sure Connor understood as well because he was already laughing softly.

I make Boomer stand on his hind legs and make it look like he's pointing the gun at Connor.

"There's not enough room in this world for the two of us" I impersonate Boomer. Connor points the fake gun at Boomer.

"Only one of us will win this cute fight" Connor says. I try so hard not to laugh.

Connor is smiling. I can already see Hank staring at us weirdly.

"On the count of three" I say. "1..2..." I turn Boomer around.

"🅱️🅾️rk" Boomer barks.

I make gun sounds and make it look like Boomer shot Connor. Connor holds his chest and falls to the ground.

"You've won the cute war this time Boomer" Connor says. He then completely falls to the ground.

I let Boomer go and he runs over to Connor and starts licking his hair.

I can't help but laugh. I can also see Connor laughing under his fake dead body.

He rolls over and grabs Boomer, laying Boomer on his stomach. Boomer borks a little.

I sit and stare at the two.

If there's a cute war against Connor and Boomer. Boomer defiantly won this round.

(Idk what I did XD. But the next chapter should include something ACTUALLY happening)

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