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As I walk around I spot an restaurant I would eat. I walk in and sit as I look around a waiter comes and says "O nomimono wa nani ga ii desu ka" I relized Im in japan and only know a few words. "Eigo ga hanasemasuka" meaning 'Can you speak English' the waiter eyes open and speak in English. "Sorry for my mistake" and she bows I say "It ok and can I have a f/d" she nods and hands me the menu as I scan through the menu my eyes land on ramen flavors. I look and decided to get tonkotsu ramen. (Its really good). She comes back with my drink and ask "What would you like" and get it. I grab my phone and sigh, go on google maps and look for the most closes hotel because my body is still sore. Finding one I put location and it's a five minute walk. Sighing in satisfying way the food is served and she hands me a pack of chopsticks. Thanking her and diging in it was really good.(as i said is). After I was done I was satisfied but my stomach wasn't so I get dessert which was mochi green tea and it was so chuy it felt like slim was in my mouth as it got warmer and back to cold from the green tea ice cream in side. I pay for the bill, which was cheap and walk to the hotel. Walking in, to the counter and ask again "Eigo ga hansemasuka" and he did. I asked for a room and said there booked a disappointed look on my face and say "Ok, thanks any way" but stops and calls "Wait" as I turn back he said "But I can give you the special top room". I smirk and say "How much would I pay" and he said "30 dollors"and thing why everything cheap over here. I pay and leaneds me the key and tell me room 524 on floor 19. I nod and go to the elevator, as it stops and opens I walk out and found the room I put the key in and open it "wow" was all I said.

The living room 👆

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The living room 👆

The living room 👆

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Bed room


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The view from every window

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The view from every window

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